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Re: [hylafax-users] notify

Of course I agree with this -- and it's why I wrote the Winprint HylaFAX
client in the first place.  I certainly don't mind adding features in a
way that maintains its original philosophy, which is best summarized as "I
want to send a fax at least as easily as I can print it out and walk it
over to the fax machine."  (Of course, it's also open source, so if
somebody wants to add or edit something, I'm more than willing to roll it
into the main distribution.)

> A note to any HylaFAX client developers out there...
> These are the kinds of conclusions and feedback that I get back every
> time I try deploying a fax client.  In fine, "Why is this darn thing
> asking me for anything more than the fax number?"
> Users don't want to be harrassed about coverpages, resolution settings,
> compression, notification options, etc. when they fax.  They want to
> press "print" (or "fax") and then to get a pop-up asking for the fax
> number, and then press "send"... that's it.  Any other options should be
> buried underneath an "Options" or "Advanced" button of sorts.
> Once you start adding these so-perceived "advanced" features into the
> default pop-up window you create confusion in the user that is so
> accustomed to walking to the fax machine, putting the paper in, entering
> the number, and pressing send.  You have to make it that simple, in
> effect, or you'll lose usability to the fax machine and all of the
> attractions that workers find on their way to and from it.
> Lee.

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