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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax and egetty

	Hi George,

	Sorry, 'cause I didn't answer you earlier. Unfortenately, wi didn't
solve the problem. Here is the part of the vm.log:

06/10 07:58:57   vm(1): READY
06/10 07:58:57   vm: initialized communication
06/10 07:58:57    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:58:57    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0002
06/10 07:58:57    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0002
06/10 07:58:57    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <_>
06/10 07:58:57   shell(1): QUOTED ATA
06/10 07:58:57  vm: SENDING QUOTED CMD "ATA"
06/10 07:58:57   voice command: 'ATA' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:58:57    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:58:57    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0003
06/10 07:58:57    vm: ATA
06/10 07:58:57    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0003
06/10 07:58:57    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <_>
06/10 07:58:57   shell(2): DEVICE DIALUP_LINE
06/10 07:58:57  vm: Nested command in shell script
06/10 07:58:57   vm(2): ERROR
06/10 07:58:57    Rockwell: RING
06/10 07:58:57    Rockwell:
06/10 07:58:57    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:58:57    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0004VCON
06/10 07:58:58    Rockwell:
06/10 07:59:09  vm: timeout while reading character from voice modem
06/10 07:59:09   vm(1): ERROR
06/10 07:59:09   vm(1): READY
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0004
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09   shell(1): ENABLE EVENTS
06/10 07:59:09   vm(1): READY
06/10 07:59:09    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:59:09    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0005
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0005
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09   shell(1): PLAY /var/spool/voice/messages/welcome.rmd
06/10 07:59:09   vm(1): PLAYING
06/10 07:59:09  playing voice file /var/spool/voice/messages/welcome.rmd
06/10 07:59:09   vm: raw modem data header found
06/10 07:59:09   vm: modem type Rockwell found
06/10 07:59:09   vm: compression method 0x0004, speed 7200, bits 4
06/10 07:59:09    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0006
06/10 07:59:09   voice command: 'AT#VBS=4' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:59:09    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:59:09    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0007
06/10 07:59:09    vm: AT#VBS=4
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0006
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0007
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09   shell(2): DEVICE DIALUP_WITH_INTERNAL_SPEAKER
06/10 07:59:09  vm: Nested command in shell script
06/10 07:59:09   vm(2): ERROR
06/10 07:59:09    Rockwell: OK
06/10 07:59:09    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0008
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0008
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09   voice command: 'AT&K3' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:59:09    vm: AT&K3
06/10 07:59:09    Rockwell: OK
06/10 07:59:09   tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
06/10 07:59:09   voice command: 'AT#VTX' -> 'CONNECT'
06/10 07:59:09    vm: AT#VTX
06/10 07:59:09    Rockwell: CONNECT
06/10 07:59:09    vm: <VOICE DATA 4536 bytes>
06/10 07:59:09    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0009
06/10 07:59:09    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0009
06/10 07:59:09    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:09    vm: <STOP PLAY>
06/10 07:59:09   voice command: '' -> 'OK|VCON'
06/10 07:59:09    Rockwell: VCON
06/10 07:59:10   vm(1): READY
06/10 07:59:10    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:59:10    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0010
06/10 07:59:10    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0010
06/10 07:59:10    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:10   shell(1): BEEP 933 1000
06/10 07:59:10   vm(1): BEEPING
06/10 07:59:10    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0011
06/10 07:59:10   voice command: 'AT#VTS=[933,0,10]' -> ''
06/10 07:59:10    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:59:10    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0012
06/10 07:59:10    vm: AT#VTS=[933,0,10]
06/10 07:59:10    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0011
06/10 07:59:10    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL>
06/10 07:59:10    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0012
06/10 07:59:10    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:10   shell(2): ENABLE EVENTS
06/10 07:59:10  vm: Nested command in shell script
06/10 07:59:10   vm(2): ERROR
06/10 07:59:10   voice command: '' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:59:10    Rockwell: OK
06/10 07:59:11   vm(1): READY
06/10 07:59:12    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 07:59:12    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0013
06/10 07:59:12    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0013
06/10 07:59:12    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:12   shell(1): RECORD /var/spool/voice/incoming/temp.rmd
06/10 07:59:12   vm(1): RECORDING
06/10 07:59:12  vm: Got child 8483 exit status 1280 signal
06/10 07:59:12    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGCHLD at position 0014
06/10 07:59:12  recording voice file /var/spool/voice/incoming/temp.rmd
06/10 07:59:12    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0015
06/10 07:59:12   voice command: 'AT#VBS=4' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:59:12    vm: AT#VBS=4
06/10 07:59:12    vm: unqueued event SIGNAL_SIGCHLD at position 0014
06/10 07:59:12    vm: voice_handle_event got event SIGNAL_SIGCHLD with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:12    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0015
06/10 07:59:12    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:12    Rockwell: OK
06/10 07:59:12    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0016
06/10 07:59:12    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0016
06/10 07:59:12    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 07:59:12   voice command: 'AT&K3' -> 'OK'
06/10 07:59:12    vm: AT&K3
06/10 07:59:12    Rockwell: OK
06/10 07:59:12   tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_IN )
06/10 07:59:12   voice command: 'AT#VRX' -> 'CONNECT'
06/10 07:59:12    vm: AT#VRX
06/10 07:59:12    Rockwell: CONNECT
06/10 07:59:43    Rockwell: <VOICE DATA 105448 bytes>
06/10 07:59:43    vm: queued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0017
06/10 07:59:43    vm: unqueued event RESET_WATCHDOG at position 0017
06/10 07:59:43    vm: voice_handle_event got event RESET_WATCHDOG with
data <NUL
06/10 08:00:08    Rockwell: <DLE> <d>
06/10 08:00:08    vm: queued event DIAL_TONE at position 0018
06/10 08:00:08    vm: unqueued event DIAL_TONE at position 0018
06/10 08:00:08    vm: voice_handle_event got event DIAL_TONE with data
06/10 08:00:08    vm: <STOP RECORDING>
06/10 08:00:08    Rockwell: <VOICE DATA 90151 bytes>
06/10 08:00:08    Rockwell: <DLE> <ETX>
06/10 08:00:08  vm: <DLE> <ETX> received
06/10 08:00:08   voice command: '' -> 'OK|VCON'
06/10 08:00:08    Rockwell: VCON
06/10 08:00:08   vm(1): READY
06/10 08:00:08    vm: Got pipe signal
06/10 08:00:08    vm: queued event SIGNAL_SIGPIPE at position 0019
06/10 08:00:08  vm: could not write to shell
06/10 08:00:08  vm: Could not handle event, something failed

	Now, modem answers, beep-s, but, won't wait to record message
completly. It seems that after sending ATA command to modem, it won't
wait for Ready. It continues executing script.

On Thu, 2005-06-09 at 09:42 -0400, George Bell wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 09:36 +0200, Branko Markovic wrote:
> > 	Hello George,
> > 
> > This is complete log from one session of vgetty with Log level 6. I saw
> > here that before AT#VLS=4, vgetty sends an ATA to modem for answering.
> > There is no ATA command in vm.log, so maybe, that's the problem. 
> > 
> This is kind of a sticky problem since it seems to require the chat
> sequence ATA->VCON which I can't exactly perform through this interface,
> but you can try this and see how it works:
> Insert this code in egetty.pl before line "$v->device('DIALUP_LINE');"
> $v->send('QUOTE ATA');
> $v->waitfor('READY');
> George
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Branko Markovic
ICQ#: 132044291

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