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Re: Is / Will there be support for DID in HylaFAX ?

On Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 11:28:10AM +0100, David Woolley wrote:
> > Does anyone know if there will be support for direct inward dial
> > (DID) in HylaFAX, or is there already ?
> There is no support.  It is not possible to provide support without 
> details of the PABX and the modem.  For all the DID PABXes that I 
> am aware of, DID support would require a connection to the SMDR port
> or to a CTI interface on the PABX itself, although maybe one brand 
> signals the information forward to analogue extensions, in which case
> the questions are whether the modem understands the signalling format
> and how it forwards the information to the computer.

I believe the gentleman wanted to get even closer to the line, using,
perhaps, a Dialogic DID-120 board to pick off the DID inpulsing; as
with T-1 cards, this is likely to be a long term project, as the
necessary drivers and information are just now becoming available.

> Getting reliable details about SMDR port data formats normally requires
> a non-disclosure agreement.

Have you really found this to be true?  Almost every SMDR port I've
ever seen on a large key system/small PBX merely ran text to a serial

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
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