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Re: [hylafax-users] notify.awk to attach pdf for failed faxes not working

On 2004.07.07 09:07 Anthony Diak wrote:
I was looking around and found a notify.awk that supposedly was to
I noticed one thing though, in the man page for notify, I saw this:

The behavior of notify is intended to be customizable via the etc/FaxNotify script, if present. FaxNotify is sourced after the q-file is parsed and all default values are preset.

Is this true? if it is, I cannot seem to find anything else about it (sample config files, etc) anywhere.

If you see that info about etc/FaxNotify then you must be using 4.2.0. In that case you do not replace notify.awk (I don't even think that notify.awk is called in 4.2.0), but you merely configure etc/FaxNotify.

What step am I missing?

Just put:


into etc/FaxNotify.

I know this is doable, and have seen several things in the list about this, but I never saw a formal HOWTO anywhere on this (I looked around for a little bit), and was wondering if someone could help me out.

The HOWTO on the website will be updated after the 4.2.0 final release.


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