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Re: Merge of fax cover and content

On Wed, 21 May 1997, Jeff So wrote:

> Here is a question.  We are going to send out a large volumn of fax and
> each fax is about half page long.  I would like to generate a small fax
> cover and put this cover on top of the fax content.  I know even I put
> them together, they will not exceed 1 page.  So, has anybody done this
> before or did I miss something in the documentation?

No it hasn't been done before. The std tool-set doesn't allow you to
this by default; and if you really want to do this, a possible way
would be for you to write a script/program that prepends the faxheader
info to your fax content all into a single file and then invoking `sendfax'
with the `-n' option so that the default faxcover isn't used.

If you want the pretty formatting, graphic etc, you'll probably have to
make your fax-wrapper generate a Poscript document.
Jonathan Chen                          e-mail : jonc@pinnacle.co.nz
  Pinnacle Software Ltd                Voice  : +64.9.415.4460
  Auckland, New Zealand                Fax    : +64.9.415.4250

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