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Re: [hylafax-users] mail notification - empty pdf

Am Donnerstag 20 Oktober 2005 23:33 schrieb Bodo Meissner:

> > So, what now? just install metamail?
> I suggest you install metamail and re-run faxsetup.

Yes, metamail was the solution. It is not even necesary to run faxsetup again, 
as the variable for  MIMENCODE is preset to mimencode.

Thx so far...now my next problem.

I configured that global notification should be on in/usr/lib/fax/hfaxd.conf:

Notify	"when requeued"

which I understand that it will always notify you. Obviously that does not 

Or does it mean that you have to specifiy in any case
sendfax -D
to get notification?


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