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Hello everybody on this list,
I'm working on this problem too and I've found the following message in the archives:
It's in French, but hope you understand. Otherwise I'll take the time to translate the most important parts.
The place which I'm unsure about is the "hyla.conf" file he's mentioning. I don't have any such file on my whole system (FC2) after having installed Hylafax from source. I have tried editing /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config but since sending a pdf didn't work, I doubt it was the right choice. Any hints? Can anyone who has a hyla.conf file paste a few lines on the list so that I can compare with the files I have?
Thanks a lot in advance
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Louie Gonsalves [mailto:louie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Montag, 8. November 2004 16:55
An: Marcos Paulo
Cc: hylafax-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [hylafax-users] Email to Fax Gateway: *with* PDF. How?
Greetings, Marcos.
Thanks for the script..
Tried your perl script. At first I needed to install perl-MIME-tools, which I did -- now I'm getting a different error, I have your faxgw perl script in /etc/smrsh and /var/spool/hylafax/bin, with permissions of 777 on both places -- this is the error:
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
(reason: 13)
(expanded from: <faxtest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>)
----- Transcript of session follows ----- Could not open for append: Permission denied at /etc/smrsh/faxgw line 53, <STDIN> line 1913.
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 13
Any ideas what's causing this?
---------- Original Message -----------
From: Marcos Paulo <marcospls@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Lee Howard <faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 17:06:11 -0200
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] Email to Fax Gateway: *with* PDF. How?
> Lee Howard escreveu:
> > On 2004.11.04 12:46 Louie Gonsalves wrote:
> >
> >> Greetings.
> >>
> >> New hylafax user. Got it to do all I want, save for one, small,
> >> crucial item.
> >>
> >> From reading through the docs, howtos, googling, etc, there does
> >> not seem a way to send an email containing a pdf attachment to
> >> hylafax, to have the pdf itself faxed to a fax machine?
> >>
> >> I see so much confusion over this in the list -- is it, or is it
> >> not possible to do this? I have to think it is -- since I got the
> >> thing to email me a PDF of an incoming fax. Why can't the reverse
> >> be true?
> >>
> >> If it *is* possible, then can someone point me to the right docs?
> >> What I've
> >> found so far is completely non-functional.
> >>
> >> Alternatively, are there any windows clients that will allow this?
> >> whfc
> >> won't do it, cypheus tries but fails.
> >
> >
> > HylaFAX server can accept PDFs and will fax them. Whether or not
> > the client program knows how to handle it, I don't know. sendfax
> > knows how to handle PDFs.
> >
> > As for email-to-fax with PDF attachments, yes, it can be done.
> >
> > You can use faxmail, but you have to teach faxmail (in the MIME type
> > handlers) to know how to handle "application/pdf" type. I've never
> > done this.
> >
> > I've always just written a faxmail replacement with a little bit of
> > shell code working as a MIME-decoder and wrapper around sendfax.
> >
> > Lee.
> >
> Ok, you can a e-mail to fax server, with a PDF attachment right?
> I had the same problem with this, i send a message in the Hylafax
> forum and i received this return:
> E-mail to Fax+Sendmal :
> 1 - Sendmail installed and running in the Fax server
> 2 - Create a user account
> Ex.:
> adduser faxgw
> 3 - Create a file in /home/faxgw/.forward with this command in
> file: "| /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxgw" our directory of Hylafax Server
> installed
> 4 - I send attached a perl script faxgw, this is run sendfax with mail
> received from client in faxserver
> 5 - Send a mail to faxserver:
> To: faxgw@faxserver_address
> Subject: Number_Of_Fax|Hour_to_Send|Subject
> Ex.: 33333333333|13:21|This is a fax for my Mother...
> Attach: File.pdf or File.tiff
> Obs.: This script work for PDF and TIFF, but not for html attachment.
> In recent version of Sendmail for security, you need make a
> copy of faxgw script to /etc/smrsh
> Doubts search in Hylafax forum with this text: FAXGW
> Good Bye!
------- End of Original Message -------
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