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Re: [hylafax-users] MODEM Command error

I have the same modem.
Setting it as Class 1 didn't help...

However, you can run faxgetty regardless of whether or not you're in a send-only environment.
In fact, the manuals and FAQs recommend running it, to prevent the exact problem you've described.

I'd first try running faxgetty and see if it solves the issue for you.

Then I'd get a new modem. :)


Robert A. Pickering Jr. ProScan Imaging
Sr. Network & Security Engineer
On Jul 8, 2004, at 11:50 AM, Clinton Bosch wrote:

Hi Sebastian

Faxgetty is not running as I am using a send only setup.

I have been browsing through the archives, and I have seen some of the
solutions given to errors that I am getting are to setup the modem as a
class1 modem. I have set up my 'U.S. ROBOTICS 56K FAX EXT REV. 11.11.13
5601' modem as a class 2.0, could this have anything to do with it....
If I run cu -l ttyS0 and then at+fclass=?
I get 0,1,2.0 ??? so I just assumed that 2.0 would be fine, what is best?

Sebastian Flothow wrote:

> Am 7. Jul 2004 um 16:28 Uhr schrieb Clinton Bosch:
>> And from then on ALL subsequent faxes fail with the same error. I
>> have found that by running the command, it seems to come right again:
>> /usr/local/sbin/faxmodem -c '(0,1),(0-5),(0-2),(0-2),0,0,0,(0-7)' ttyS0
>> But why do I need to "Remind" hylafax about its modem all the time???
> Is faxgetty running? It should monitor the modem for any interesting
> events and notify the main (queueing) daemon.
> Sebastian

Clinton Bosch - Hemisphere Technologies
JDO Genie - High performance JDO for JDBC
Tel +27 21 670 3940 - Fax +27 21 670 3979
Cell +27 82 805 9479

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