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[hylafax-users] Question about overriding CID

Maybe someone can tell me how to do this.
I have a site set up so that when someone transmits in from a fax 
machine, the CID number is recognized.
I have the 'faxrcvd' script call my script, passing the CID number and 
the path to the fax.
The fax is then uploaded into a database.
Each person has access to their own, and only their own, faxes in the 
This works just fine.

However, sometimes the people are traveling and need to send in a fax. 
They have the ability to temporarily
change their registered CID number (via a Web interface) to another fax 
machine (perhaps in a hotel),
and then send in a fax. The system knows the fax is supposed to be 
stored in their area because it
checks against the CID number (which they have changed to that hotel 
fax machine). Then they can
change their stored CID number back to their normal number (via the Web 

However, this is a bit cumbersome. Is there another way, when 
transmitting from a fax machine, to enter some
kind of code or number such that when hylafax receives it, it can make 
a determination as to where to deliver?
Specifically, I am not using DID and cannot afford to go that route. I 
already am working correctly with CID.
I just want people who already have CID's to be able to transmit faxes 
in when they are traveling, and have
some way to "recognize" them and thus correctly route the faxes to 
their storage area.

Hope someone can help.

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