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Having another bit of trouble...  I have been having intermittant complaints
that callers are getting a ring no answer from our fax line.  I tested it
and sure enough, hylafax did not detect the rings from the modem, so I went
into minicom and watched to see if the modem was sending the ring signal,
and it was not, so I typed ATZ, then I got the RING messages.  Further
testing seemed to show that this would happen after a call to the modem
failed to connect correctly (i.e. a premature hangup, or voice call).
Everything else works just fine.

Q: Is Faxgetty supposed to do a full reset of the mode modem after each call
regardless of whether it connected correctly or not?  Is there a way to log
this behavior?

BTW: I have two modems connected, the second one is a USR 33.6 upgraded to
56K and that modem works flawlessly.  Makes me think there may be a problem
with the MultiTech modem?

Below is the config file for this modem (a MultiTech MT3334ZDX).
I'm using the cvs version of Hylafax on Linux-Mandrake 7.02.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


Jason Bachman
Information Systems Manager
Hiestand Supply Company

# Configuration for a Multi-Tech MT1432, MT224BA, and MT1932ZDX modems.
# MT1432        firmware rev 0307 I or newer
# MT132BG       rev 0109A
# MT1932ZDX     rev 0109H
# Note that MT1432 modems come in several varieties:
# MT1432BA      uses Rockwell data pump
# MT1432BA/A    uses AT&T data pump
# MT1432BG      MT1432BA tweaked for German FCC
# MT1432MK      (for UK?)
# The modem has been tried with both XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS flow
# control; this configuration is for hardware flow control.
CountryCode:            1
AreaCode:               717
FAXNumber:              +1.xxx.xxx.xxxx
LongDistancePrefix:     1
InternationalPrefix:    011
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:          1
SessionTracing:         11
RecvFileMode:           0644
LogFileMode:            0644
DeviceMode:             0666
RingsBeforeAnswer:      2
SpeakerVolume:          off
GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:        "HIESTAND SUPPLY"
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
PercentGoodLines:       90
MaxConsecutiveBadLines: 6
MaxRecvPages:           99
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:              Class2          # use class 2 interface
ModemRate:              38400           # lock rate for DCE-DTE
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts          # default
ModemSetupDTRCmd:       AT&D3           # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd:       AT&C1           # setup so DCD follows carrier
ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FAA=0+FCLASS=2
ModemWaitForConnect:    yes
GettyArgs:              "-h %l %s"      # modem must auto-detect fax/data
# We normally append the "@" symbol to the dial string so that
# the modem will wait 5 seconds before attempting to connect
# and return result codes that distinguish between no carrier
# and no answer.  This makes it possible to avoid problems with
# repeatedly dialing a number that doesn't have a fax machine
# (kudos to Stuart Lynne for this trick.)
# NB: If you need to prefix phone numbers to get through a PBX,
#     put it in the ModemDialCmd; e.g. "DT9%s@".
ModemDialCmd:           ATDT%s          # T for tone dialing, @ for silence
# Other possible configuration stuff.  The default strings are
# shown below.  Only those that are different from the defaults
# need to be included in the configuration file.
ModemResetCmds:         E1Q0            # stuff to do when modem is reset
ModemSoftResetCmd:      ATZ             # soft reset
ModemResetDelay:        1000            # 1 sec delay after reset
ModemAnswerCmd:         ATA             # use this to answer phone
ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT&K            # disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT&E4           # hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT&E5           # software flow control cmd
ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:   ATS0=0          # disable auto-answer
# Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
# Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
ModemSetVolumeCmd:      "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
ModemEchoOffCmd:        ATE0            # disable command echo
ModemVerboseResultsCmd: ATV1            # enable verbose command results
ModemResultCodesCmd:    ATQ0            # enable result codes
ModemOnHookCmd:         ATH0            # place phone on hook (hangup)
ModemSoftResetCmd:      ATZ             # do soft reset of modem
ModemWaitTimeCmd:       ATS7=60         # wait 60 seconds for carrier
ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2          # comma pause time is 2 seconds
ModemRecvFillOrder:     MSB2LSB         # bit order of received facsimile
ModemSendFillOrder:     LSB2MSB         # bit order modem expects for
Class2Cmd:      AT+FCLASS=2     #Cmd to enter class 2
Class2BORCmd:   AT+FBOR=0       #bit order for phase B/C/D (direct)
Class2RELCmd:   AT+FREL=1       #byte-align EOL codes or recv
Class2CQCmd:    ""              #Command to enable copy quality
Class2AbortCmd:         AT+FK           #Abort session command
#Class2CQQueryCmd:      AT+FCQ=?        #Query copy quality
Class2CQQueryCmd:       !(0),(0)        #copy qualiy done by server
Class2DCCQueryCmd:      AT+FDCC=?       #query modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd:   AT+FTBC=0       #setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd:    AT+FCR=1        #enable receive
Class2PHCTOCmd: AT+FPHCTO=30    #Set phase C timeout
Class2BUGCmd:   AT+FBUG=1       #enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd:   AT+FLID         #Set local identifier
Class2DCCCmd:   AT+FDCC         #Set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd:   AT+FDIS         #Set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd:  ""              #Disable predial DIS commandhack
Class2CIGCmd:   AT+FCIG         #Set polling identifier command
Class2PTSCmd:   AT+FPTS         #set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd:   AT+FSPL         #Set polling indicator command
Class2RecvDataTrigger:  "\022"  #Char sent to modem to start recv
Class2XmitWaitForXON:   yes     #if yes wait for xon before send
FN:Jason Bachman
ORG:Hiestand Supply Company;Accounting
TITLE:Information Systems Manager
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(717) 426-1921
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(717) 203-5898
TEL;WORK;FAX:(717) 426-4341
ADR;WORK:;;650 Stackstown Road;Marietta;PA;17547;United States of America
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:650 Stackstown Road=0D=0AMarietta, PA 17547=0D=0AUnited States of America
ROLE:Information Technoligies

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