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Re: Receiving garbage

More details and weirdness:

the faxes come in garbled - as if the flow control is not working. 
Basically, there is a random collection of dots on a thin strip.

I have tried to date:

receiving with two different faxes, one a Hayes Accura 56K modem and the
other a Xerox Workcenter 250.  The Xerox is usually the bulletproof fax
of choice.  The Xerox receives faxes fine either to paper or to Zetafax
(an NT-based fax server that I am trying to replace).

I have looked at the faxes with both the Wang viewer for NT, as well as
Iview.  Both appear the same.  I tried printing a fax ( tiff2ps | lpr)
and got a blank page.

I tried sending with two different faxes, one an old HP all-in-one deal
(330?) and one a new HP all-in-one.

OK, so I figured maybe it's a problem with the digi board, so I
connected the Xerox to ttyS1.  Ran faxaddmodem and it was not able to
communicate with the modem.  So I ran minicom; I could communicate
fine.  Ran faxaddmodem again; no dice.  fuser says no one is using

I am stumped.

My setup:

RH 6.0, 2.2.13 kernel
Digi 4 port Xe
Hayes Accura 56 K modem
Xerox 250 modem

Server hardware:
p5/166 SMP box
96  MB Ram


Here's a received summary:

    Sender: 1 843 524 2083
     Pages: 1
   Quality: Fine
      Page: 1728 by 42
***** only 42 lines per page ??? *****

  Received: 1999:11:03 08:28:05
TimeToRecv: 0:58
SignalRate: 9600 bit/s
DataFormat: 1-D MR
ReceivedOn: ttyD0
CommID:     c00000022

And the log for the above:

Nov 03 08:27:52.27: [13224]: SESSION BEGIN 00000022 18435213011
Nov 03 08:27:52.27: [13224]: <-- [4:ATA\r]
Nov 03 08:28:01.97: [13224]: --> [5:+FCON]
Nov 03 08:28:01.97: [13224]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION
Nov 03 08:28:01.97: [13224]: RECV FAX: begin
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: --> [28:+FTSI:"      1 843 524 2083"]
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE TSI "1 843 524 2083"
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: --> [21:+FDCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0]
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length 
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE wants 7.7 line/mm
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: --> [2:OK]
Nov 03 08:28:03.92: [13224]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: --> [5:+FCFR]
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: --> [21:+FDCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,0]
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length 
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: REMOTE wants 7.7 line/mm
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: RECV: begin page
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: RECV: send trigger 021
Nov 03 08:28:05.40: [13224]: <-- data [1]
Nov 03 08:28:40.22: [13224]: RECV: 32384 bytes of data, 223 total lines
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: RECV: 20546 bytes of data, 329 total lines
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: --> [7:+FPTS:1]
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: --> [6:+FET:2]
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: RECV recv EOP (no more pages or documents)
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: --> [2:OK]
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: RECV FAX (00000022): from 1 843 524 2083,
page 1 in 0:58, INF, 7.7 line/mm, 1-D MR
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: RECV FAX (00000022): recvq/fax00017.tif
from 1 843 524 2083, route to <unspecified>, 1 pages in 1:00
Nov 03 08:29:01.24: [13224]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Nov 03 08:29:03.99: [13224]: --> [7:+FHNG:0]
Nov 03 08:29:03.99: [13224]: REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of
connection (code 0)
Nov 03 08:29:03.99: [13224]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax00017.tif"
"ttyD0" "00000022" ""
Nov 03 08:29:04.48: [13224]: RECV FAX: end
Nov 03 08:29:04.48: [13224]: SESSION END

There's nothing there that jumps out at me as being wrong - is there?

Here's my config for the ttyD0 fax:

# $Id: class2,v 1.23 1996/06/24 02:58:32 sam Rel $

# Generic Class 2 modem configuration.
CountryCode:            1
AreaCode:               843
FAXNumber:              +1.843.521.3011
LongDistancePrefix:     1
InternationalPrefix:    011
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:          1
SessionTracing:         11
RecvFileMode:           0666
LogFileMode:            0600
DeviceMode:             0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
SpeakerVolume:          off
GettyArgs:              "-h %l %s"
LocalIdentifier:        "Cardinal Engineering"
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages:           25
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:              Class2          # use this to supply a hint
ModemRate:              9600            # max rate for DCE-DTE
ModemFlowControl:       xonxoff         # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
#ModemSetupDTRCmd:      AT&D2           # setup so DTR drop resets modem
#ModemSetupDCDCmd:      AT&C1           # setup so DCD reflects carrier
(or not)
#ModemDialCmd:          ATDT%s@         # T for tone dialing, @ for
#ModemResetCmds:                ""              # stuff to do when modem
is reset
#ModemAnswerCmd:                ATA             # use this to answer
#ModemNoFlowCmd:                AT&K            # disable flow control
#ModemHardFlowCmd:      AT&K3           # hardware flow control cmd
#ModemSoftFlowCmd:      AT&K4           # software flow control cmd
#ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:  ATS0=0          # disable auto-answer
#ModemSetVolumeCmd:     "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
#ModemEchoOffCmd:       ATE0            # disable command echo
#ModemVerboseResultsCmd:        ATV1            # enable verbose command
#ModemResultCodesCmd:   ATQ0            # enable result codes
#ModemOnHookCmd:                ATH0            # place phone on hook
#ModemSoftResetCmd:     ATZ             # do soft reset of modem
#ModemWaitTimeCmd:      ATS7=60         # wait 60 seconds for carrier
#ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd:        ATS8=2          # comma pause time is 2
#ModemRecvFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order of received
#ModemSendFillOrder:    LSB2MSB         # bit order modem expects for
# Configuration parameters for Class 2 modems.
Class2Cmd:              AT+FCLASS=2     # command to enter class 2
Class2BORCmd:           AT+FBOR=0       # bit order for phase B/C/D
Class2RELCmd:           AT+FREL=1       # byte-align EOL codes on recv
Class2CQCmd:            ""              # commands to enable copy
quality proc.
Class2AbortCmd:         AT+FK           # abort session command
Class2CQQueryCmd:       AT+FCQ=?        # query for copy quality
Class2DCCQueryCmd:      AT+FDCC=?       # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd:           AT+FTBC=0       # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd:            AT+FCR=1        # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd:         AT+FPHCTO=30    # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd:           AT+FBUG=1       # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd:           AT+FLID         # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd:           AT+FDCC         # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd:           AT+FDIS         # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd:          ""              # disable pre-dial DIS command
Class2CIGCmd:           AT+FCIG         # set polling identifier command
Class2PTSCmd:           AT+FPTS         # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd:           AT+FSPL         # set polling indicator command
# If Class2RecvDataTrigger is not set, then it is set to DC1
Class2RecvDataTrigger:  ""              # character sent to modem to
start recv
Class2XmitWaitForXON:   yes             # if true, wait for XON before

Yan Seiner wrote:
> I am new to the list and to Hylafax.
> I have Hylafax running; it's receiving faxes and sending faxes.
> Sent faxes are received OK by the remote, except for an error message at
> the completion.
> Received faxes are garbled - but no error messages in the log files.
> I am guessing that that's because my hardware settings aren't correct.
> I am running Linux 2.2.13 (RH 6.0) with a Digiboard Xe and a Hayes
> Accurra modem.
> I get an error on install that stty could not set port parameters (no
> wonder, as it needs to use Digi's ditty).
> I have not been successful in finding where in the scripts the
> parameters need to be set, or what they should be set to.  I have been
> through the FAQ and archives with no luck ( the only mention in the FAQ
> says that this problem may be caused by improper hardware settings....)
> Any ideas and quidance is greatly appreciated.
> --Yan
> --
>            __      __
>           | /      /
>            /------/
>        -- / \    / \ --
>      /   /\  \  /  /\   \
>     |   /  |  \/--|--    |
>      \    /        \    /
>        ~~            ~~
> "The older I get, the faster I was."

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