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RE: help! can't faxalter or faxrm! permission denied!

> I have found that the process is actually owned by bin. I have been
> working around it by 
> su bin
> There is no doubt a more elegant and permanent solution,

Thanks. That does work. I wonder where you have to explicity permit other =
users to faxalter and faxrm? Root can't even do it!

> kyle.silfer wrote:
>> I am running the latest 4.X of Hylafax on Red Hat Linux 4.2.
>> Here is what happens when I try to faxrm a job:
>> [root@flip docq]# faxrm -v 240
>> Trying localhost ( at port 4559...
>> Connected to localhost.
>> 220 flip.alibi.com server (HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.0pl2) ready.
>> -> USER root
>> 230 User root logged in.
>> -> JKILL 240
>> 504 Cannot kill job: Operation not permitted.
>> -> JDELE 240
>> 504 Cannot delete job: Operation not permitted.
>> 504 Cannot kill job: Operation not permitted.
>> I think I may have screwed something up when I tried to move the =
/fax/spool/docq directory to an external SCSI disk and set up a link to =
it on the original internal IDE disk where Hylafax is installed. But I =
can fax OK, I just can't faxalter or faxrm a job. Any ideas what I =
screwed up?
> -- 
> Andrew Croke         Fax: +61 (0)3 9347 5887
> P.O Box  451         Mob: +61 (0)411 511 160
> North Melbourne 3051
> a.croke@ugrad.unimelb.edu.au  (academic)
> andrew.croke@awamarine.com.au (commercial)
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> Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:56:55 +1000
> From: Andrew CROKE <andrew.croke@awamarine.com.au>
> Organization: AWA Marine
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> To: "kyle.silfer" <kyle.silfer@alibi.com>
> Subject: Re: flexfax: help! can't faxalter or faxrm! permission denied!
> References: <n1282127246.14485@alibi.com>
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