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Re: [hylafax-users] [hylafax-devel] Re: new community site


You've thrown up the "fork! fork!" flares and overreacted. This is no fork. This is much closer to a mirror than to a fork. I have commit privileges to CVS on hylafax.org and my developments are eventually being merged in to the HylaFAX code base unfettered. I have no reason to fork. What I have done, though, is merely to set up an alternative community site for updated on-line references, bug reporting, and discussion. The code is the same, the community is the same. The user base is the same. It's merely an alternative. It's an alternative that agrees with me and many others. It's an alternative that frees me from any concern over what iFAX may choose to do at the hylafax.org site. Again, there has been no fork. Again, I've no reason to fork.

With respect to the daily CVS HEAD snapshot versus Sourceforge sub-releases... The daily CVS snapshots are a good thing. However, I do not think that it's enough when the normal release only happens semi-annually and enough development occurs after the feature freeze and before the release to warrant yet another release. (I've said this multiple times before both here and on -devel.) So after the dust settles from a flurry of CVS commits I am taking a snapshot of CVS HEAD and labeling it as a sub-release. So HylaFAX on Sourceforge is simply the CVS HEAD snapshot from October 27. The source code was already released; I'm merely making it more visible and assigning a name to it that is more user-friendly. Neither is it a "Lee Howard HylaFAX" version, and nor is it a HylaFAX that is Sourceforge-specific. I don't expect these sub-releases to agree with everyone, especially those who use the wind-up towards the end of a release cycle to get all of their commits in, and for that reason I have tried to change references and versions so that users who download sub-releases from Sourceforge don't get into "friction-heated" situations when looking for support for "version" on hylafax.org. Thus, I encourage users who download sub-releases from Sourceforge to turn to the Sourceforge site for support, since those of us there are those that are committed to supporting those sub-releases.

As for involving other existing community members, especially contributors (a.k.a. developers), in the project... Other community members, mostly those who lurk and go silent and have otherwise worked through me, were informed and involved to an extent in the Sourceforge site. For the most part, though, they saw it for what it was, that is simply an alternative, and thus there really was no need for alarm or conspiracy or political posturing. I invite everyone to participate there, or here, or both. To me it's all the same. These are simply two sites about the same software project. There are dozens of HylaFAX reference and informational pages out there, and nobody gets alarmed over those. Each distribution that provides HylaFAX has their own patch set, informational pages, and support forums for HylaFAX, and nobody gets alarmed over those. This is just more of the same.

As for the future of the website at hylafax.org... I'm now in a position where I can feel totally and completely free from worry about whatever may or may not happen there. It feels good. You can do a Mambo or a Joomla or a Wiki or whatever else pleases you. You can hang up advertisements as much as you please, and it doesn't bother me in the least. With reference to the website you've said "we've been open to this" and "we've been discussing doing that" and many other "we" comments. I don't know who the "we" is, though, that you're mentioning. It's not been discussed on-list, and I wasn't involved in any private discussions. So when you say "we" and I'm not involved although I certainly have tried to always be involved I can only feel excluded. After writing the How-To and having it placed on the hylafax.org website I was included in the alias for webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx I remained there for a few years, and I would respond to e-mails and make various adjustments to the website through you. I'm not sure what happened, though, but for quite some time now I am no longer part of that webmaster alias and my website commits would not get "made live" in good time if ever. You've talked about the openness of your efforts at www.hylafax.org, and I'm sure that you feel that's what it's been. However, I certainly haven't felt that way. Hopefully you can see my frustration. I'm sure that Mambo or Joomla is a lot of fun just like a Wiki, but those kinds of things just don't work for me, and so I've developed a site with the kind of documentation and references that does work for me.

With respect to the Sourceforge donations... *IF* (and that's a big if) any donations ever come in they will be publicly accounted for and will be used to directly fund the resolution of the feature request or bug report of the requestor's choice, and if they do not make a choice then those at Sourceforge will determine which bug report to use those funds for - this will all be part of that accounting.



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