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Re: [hylafax-users] faxrcvd file parameters problem...

Assuming that your phone line supports cid and your
modem is capable of receiving cid data, you need to
make sure cid is enabled in your modem config.  Mine
looks like this:

ModemResetCmds: AT+VCID=1
CIDNumber:      "NMBR="
CIDName:        "NAME="

Then you need to make sure the modem is set to answer
after 2 or more rings:

RingsBeforeAnswer: 2

The cid info is transmitted between the first and
second ring, at least that's how it works in the US. 
If your modem answers the call before the cid info is
transmitted you'll never get it.

--- Edin Kadic <edin.kadic@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> hello from Bosnia
> I have changed this faxrcvd script so now it is
> writing to database parameters that the script
> accepts.. problem is that I really need this caller
> ID number, and the fax server is not passing it to
> the faxrcvd script, I have checked in the log file..
> it's calling faxrcvd script like: /bin/faxrcvd
> "first" "second" "third" "fourth" "" ""
> as you can see, those two parameters that considers
> caller identification is an empty string.. is there
> any way to get what I want?

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