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[hylafax-users] No answer from remote


i've got lots of "no answer from remote" messages in hylafax.
some jobs works fine, but quite 30% of the jobs fail with this error or the
"unspecified transmit phase D error"

i have an eicon diva server 4BRI under Linux, RH9  with driver 7.5 - hylafax

can anyone help me ? please !
can it be a problem with the hylafax config ?

here is the ultimate test i  made :

if i make a call using cu -l, here is the output :
+FCSI:"    +41 91 821 50 76"
+FDIS: 1,D,1,2,0,2,0,3
when i look into the session log of hylafax, for a call to this number, i
have got :

avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: SESSION BEGIN 000175266
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.2.1
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: SEND FAX: JOB 115275 DEST 11016900041918215076
COMMID 000175266 DEVICE '/dev/ttyds04'
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: STATE CHANGE: RUNNING -> SENDING
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: MODEM input buffering enabled
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: Apply DialString rules to
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: --> return result "11016900041918215076"
avr 21 13:59:27.93: [22217]: <-- [6:AT&K4\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.02: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:28.02: [22217]: <-- [10:AT+FTBC=0\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.12: [22217]: --> [5:ERROR]
avr 21 13:59:28.12: [22217]: MODEM Command error
avr 21 13:59:28.12: [22217]: <-- [11:AT+FBOR=0 \r]
avr 21 13:59:28.22: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:28.22: [22217]: <-- [13:AT+FPHCTO=30\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.32: [22217]: --> [5:ERROR]
avr 21 13:59:28.32: [22217]: MODEM Command error
avr 21 13:59:28.32: [22217]: <-- [3:AT\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.42: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:28.42: [22217]: <-- [10:AT+FBUG=1\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.52: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:28.52: [22217]: <-- [24:AT+FDCC=1,D,2,2,0,2,0,0\r]
avr 21 13:59:28.62: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:28.62: [22217]: DIAL 11016900041918215076
avr 21 13:59:28.62: [22217]: <-- [25:ATDT11016900041918215076\r]
avr 21 13:59:32.50: [22217]: --> [9:NO ANSWER]
avr 21 13:59:32.50: [22217]: SEND FAILED: JOB 115275 DEST
11016900041918215076 ERR No answer from remote
avr 21 13:59:32.50: [22217]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
avr 21 13:59:32.60: [22217]: --> [2:OK]
avr 21 13:59:32.60: [22217]: MODEM set DTR OFF
avr 21 13:59:32.60: [22217]: STATE CHANGE: SENDING -> MODEMWAIT (timeout 5)
avr 21 13:59:32.60: [22217]: SESSION END

perhaps something is wrong in my hylafax config, here it is :

## prototype config for Eicon Diva
CountryCode:            33
AreaCode:               04
FAXNumber:              0000000000
LongDistancePrefix:     00
ModemWaitForConnect:    yes
ModemDialCmd:           ATDT%s
RingsBeforeAnswer:      3               # collect info between two RINGs
ModemResetCmds:         "AT#CID=15+iB6+iP7+iS2/2"   # enable ANI/DNIS
RingExtended:           "RING;"
MaxTries1:      12
QualifyCID:             etc/cid         # CID access control list file
CIDNumber:              "RING;"       # pattern string for calling number
CIDName:                "RING;"       # pattern string for called number
InternationalPrefix:    00
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:          0xfffff
SessionTracing:         0xfffff
RecvFileMode:           0600
LogFileMode:            0600
DeviceMode:             0600
SpeakerVolume:          off
GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:        "xxxxxxxxxx"
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages:           25
ModemFlowControl:       RTSCTS
ModemRate:      19200
ModemNoFlowCmd:  AT&K0
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K3
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3
ModemWaitTimeCmd:       ATS7=200
ModemType:  Class2
Class2Cmd:  "AT+FCLASS=2"# command to enter class 2
Class2SFLOCmd: AT&K4
Class2HFLOCmd:  AT&K4
Class2ECMType: 2.0
Class2CQQueryCmd: !3
Class2CQCmd: AT
Class2BORCmd:  "AT+FBOR=0 " # bit order for phase B/C/D (direct)
Class2RELCmd:  "AT+FREL=1" # byte-align EOL codes on recv
Class2AbortCmd:  "AT+FK"  # abort session command
Class2UseHex:   true
Class2DCCQueryCmd: "AT+FDCC=?" # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd:  "AT+FTBC=0" # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd:  "AT+FCR=1" # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd:  "AT+FPHCTO=30" # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd:  "AT+FBUG=1" # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd:  "AT+FLID"  # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd:  "AT+FDCC"  # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd:  "AT+FDIS"  # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd:  ""  # disable pre-dial DIS command hack
Class2CIGCmd:  "AT+FCIG"  # set polling identifier command
Class2PTSCmd:  "AT+FPTS"  # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd:  "AT+FSPL"  # set polling indicator command
## If Class2RecvDataTrigger is not set, then it is set to DC1
Class2RecvDataTrigger: ""  # character sent to modem to start recv
##Class2XmitWaitForXON: yes  # if true, wait for XON before send

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