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[hylafax-users] help ... I couldn't receive faxes

Hi folks,
this is my log:

Feb 22 09:31:45.84: [ 300]: SESSION BEGIN 000000150 390514179710
Feb 22 09:31:45.84: [ 300]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.2.1
Feb 22 09:31:45.84: [ 300]: <-- [4:ATA\r]
Feb 22 09:32:20.08: [ 300]: --> [4:+FDM]
Feb 22 09:32:20.10: [ 300]: ANSWER: DATA CONNECTION
Feb 22 09:32:20.10: [ 300]: GETTY: START "/usr/libexec/getty -h cuaa0 dx_19200", pid 83110
Feb 22 09:32:20.10: [ 300]: STATE CHANGE: ANSWERING -> GETTYWAIT
Feb 22 09:32:20.10: [ 300]: runGetty::initgroups: m
Feb 22 09:32:20.13: [ 300]: GETTY: exit status 0
Feb 22 09:32:20.13: [ 300]: SESSION END

Probably the sender is a Class1 modem, my Class2 uses FDM and the sender goes to wait until exit session.
Well, I don't know how to solve it.
My system: freebsd 4.9
Hylafax 4.2.1
Modem: USR 56k faxmodem

Any advice will be appreciated

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