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I have have this problem, what´s solution?
--- ahuxtable@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hmm, seems that I can not get the script to run > properly. It does not seem > to be picking up the format of the email properly > e.g emails have no > recipients so I do not get emails. 1. If you copy+paste the script (the french one?) using the browser you inserted garbage in the file. Do something like cat <file from the web> | col -b > <new notify.awk>. 2. If after 1 still not working, confirm that you have metamail and mimiencode installed. 3. If still not working you must pay me $500 USD or in alternative pray :-). > > I tried playing with the script but I am not making > any progress. Putting > the script back to original works fine but of course > no attachment. Read 1 and 2 ;-). 3 is optional. > > Pedro - Can you perhaps mail me your script? > Pleeeaaasse? I guess something must be done with the scripts that come with HylaFAX. This is #1 or #2 request in the mailling list. I found this script http://www.hylafax.org/archive/1999-12/msg00034.html (look at the bottom) and changed it because the subjects show up in french. The guy only added the atach function in some failures. But if the english lines are needed, here is a script posted in June http://www.hylafax.org/archive/2003-06/msg00190.html. Yes, I can send my script, but will not work if don't do 1 and 2, and I always advice the hard way, it's more fun ;-). > > Andrew Cheers. Sem
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