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[hylafax-users] faxrm with password does not work (?)

Good day;

I searched throughout the archive, but none of the other faxrm
related posts really solved my problem:

-I use the LPD (printer) daemon to send jobs to hylafax, using the
Sambafax script.

-These jobs belong to 'lp' on my linux box.

-I am logued in as 'root'

-I did 'faxadduser -a test root' to add this user to hosts.hfaxd

-hosts.hfaxd works well (Cypheus & others work fine)

-I can see my new entry (root:::WcmGs6LpQXSI6)

-If I do 'faxrm -a 21' (job 21 belongs to lp) and enter the password
(test) i still get:
     "Admin failed: 530 Password incorrect."

-I tried to su as user 'lp' and faxrm works fine.

-No, I do not want to login or su as 'lp' to delete these jobs,
because by default it's a /sbin/nologin account.

Any Help would be greatly appreciated :-)


NOTE: I am using hylafax-4.1.5-1rh8.i386.rpm on a Redhat 8 system.

Truly Yours; / Sincerement v�tre;
Philippe Simard; Kusat.com

Web : www.kusat.com
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