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Re: [hylafax-users] faxsetup

On 02/05/2003 11:32 AM, "Kevin Greenidge" <rootuser2000@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I've been trying to run faxsetup on FreeBSD 4.7 and
> Hylafax 4.1.5 and I get the following error messages.
> "/usr/local/bin/gs does not exist or is not an
> executable program". I thought when doing a "make
> install" this took care of the needed dependencies.
> I also get the same error for /bin/vgetty and
> /bin/egetty....
> I tried searching the ports selection for ghostscript
> but could not find it. Is it something that I am
> missing here? Do I really need to add ghostscript,
> vgetty and egetty in order to get faxsetup to run?

Hi!  You can ignore the vgetty and egetty stuff.

There are several different ways to install gs, and it isn't entirely
necessary for hylafax (I guess), so it isn't automatically installed by the
ports system (in addition, you can add it in after you install hylafax).

In ports/print, there are five different ghostscript distributions.
Depending on your politics, you can use ghostscript-afpl[-nox11] or

Ricky Morse

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