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Re: [hylafax-users] Receive Errors

> We have got a number of 3100, 3150 and 3200 machines that we use, all of
> our stores have one. A few of these have given us continuous problems, and
> not just with HylaFax. I believe that their firmware is buggy as all heck.
> One of these days I will ty and figure them out, but in the mean time thank
> god for extended warranties.
> If you really want to get into it, turning up your log tracing may yield
> some insight into what's happening.

Already have.  I could send them, if anyone is interested, though what
seems to be the relevant part between a success and failure is:

Mar 07 09:43:11.36: [ 3607]: SENT 8801 bytes of data
Mar 07 09:43:11.36: [ 3607]: <-- data [2]
Mar 07 09:43:11.36: [ 3607]: SEND end page
Mar 07 09:43:16.88: [ 3607]: --> [2:OK]
Mar 07 09:43:16.88: [ 3607]: SEND send EOP (no more pages or documents)
Mar 07 09:43:16.88: [ 3607]: <-- [9:AT+FET=2\r]
Mar 07 09:43:32.46: [ 3607]: --> [8:+FHNG:54]
Mar 07 09:43:32.46: [ 3607]: REMOTE HANGUP: No response to EOP repeated 3
	times (code 54)
Mar 07 09:43:32.46: [ 3607]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Mar 07 09:43:33.11: [ 3607]: --> [2:OK]
Mar 07 09:43:33.11: [ 3607]: SESSION END

Mar 07 09:45:25.73: [ 3613]: SENT 8801 bytes of data
Mar 07 09:45:25.73: [ 3613]: <-- data [2]
Mar 07 09:45:25.73: [ 3613]: SEND end page
Mar 07 09:45:31.26: [ 3613]: --> [2:OK]
Mar 07 09:45:31.26: [ 3613]: SEND send EOP (no more pages or documents)
Mar 07 09:45:31.26: [ 3613]: <-- [9:AT+FET=2\r]
Mar 07 09:45:35.44: [ 3613]: --> [7:+FPTS:1]
Mar 07 09:45:36.93: [ 3613]: --> [7:+FHNG:0]
Mar 07 09:45:36.93: [ 3613]: REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of
	connection (code 0)
Mar 07 09:45:36.93: [ 3613]: SEND recv MCF (message confirmation)

It looks to *me* like it's a problem ending the connection (except when
the EOP is not properly sent, the HP Laserjet 3100 fails, instead of
printing what it has).  But precisely *why* still eludes me (and more
importantly, what I can do to stop it).

Geoff Silver					<geoff at uslinux dot net>
"If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed...
	Oh wait, he does"

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