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Re: [hylafax-users] Pointer to Class1 vs. Class2 discussion?

> I recently read a message on this list that references a previous 
> discussion on the relative merits of Clas1 and Class2 protocols.  I've 
> looked through the list but I can't find that discussion.  Can someone 
> point me to the approximate date when this discussion took place?

The discussion was on hylafax-devel which has no on line archive :-(

> Apparently the consensus is that Class1 is the preferred protocol.  To me 
> this is counter-intuitive, because the Class2 protocol provides hardware 
> support for functions that must otherwise be performed in software (by the 
> host CPU) using Class1.  I would like to understand why, given a device 
> that supports both classes, I should prefer the older protocol.

There are too many different bugs in Class 2* firmwares so that it becomes
next to impossible to build workarounds for each and every bug in hylafax code.

In class 1 hylafax code has good control over the fax protocol and any
developper (not only the modem manufacturer) familiar with hylafax code
and faxing can improve the code if certain problems appear.

CPU cycles are soooo cheap nowadays that this realy does not matter
If you take care of cpu cyles on your server then you should first look 
at gs whilere rendering the fax.

An also i never heard of responsiveness problems, event with 486 hardware.


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