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[hylafax-users] Receive problems with ELSA 28.8 TQV


May be any one could give me a clue? I have configured my TKR TriStar
(which should be identical to the ELSA 28.8 TQV) as described by Michael
Möller in http://www.hylafax.org/archive/1998-06/msg00010.html
Seems to work fine, no errors reported in SysLog. When I start to send a
fax to that modem via my ISDN card (in analogue mode) the call is
received but after the first 4096 Byte is simply stops until the modem
is set back (ISDN error code is 3114 => connection aborted by receiver).
SysLog shows:
Aug 23 15:02:41 gandalf FaxGetty[1335]: MODEM "" "TKR TriStar"/"Ver.
1.10 vom 19.09.95"
Aug 23 15:03:46 gandalf FaxGetty[1335]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION
Aug 23 15:04:23 gandalf FaxGetty[1335]: MODEM "" "TKR TriStar"/"Ver.
1.10 vom 19.09.95"
logging is set to local7
I can't figure out what is wrong. When I use my USR Courier V.Everything
there is no problem in receiving via my ISDN card, so I guess this could
be a problem of my configuration - what? :-((

Any help appreciated - TIA :-)

Maybe it helps to post my config file:

--------------- soc - start of cut ---------------------
CountryCode:            49
AreaCode:               511
FAXNumber:              +49.511.
LongDistancePrefix:     0
InternationalPrefix:    00
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:          1
SessionTracing:         11
RecvFileMode:           0644
LogFileMode:            0600
DeviceMode:             0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
SpeakerVolume:          off
GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:        "+49.511."
LogFacility:            local7
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "Von %%l|%c|Seite %%p von %%t"
PercentGoodLines:       80
MaxConsecutiveBadLines: 20
MaxRecvPages:           250
ModemPriority:          200
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:              Class2.0        # use this to supply a hint
ModemRate:              19200           # max rate for DCE-DTE
ModemFlowControl:       xonxoff         # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
ModemSetupDTRCmd:       AT&D2           # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd:       AT&C1           # setup so DCD reflects carrier
(or not)
# We normally append the "@" symbol to the dial string so that
# the modem will wait 5 seconds before attempting to connect
# and return result codes that distinguish between no carrier
# and no answer.  This makes it possible to avoid problems with
# repeatedly dialing a number that doesn't have a fax machine
# (kudos to Stuart Lynne for this trick.)
# NB: If you need to prefix phone numbers to get through a PBX,
#     put it in the ModemDialCmd; e.g. "DT9%s@".
ModemDialCmd:           ATDT%s
# Other possible configuration stuff.  The default strings are
# shown below.  Only those that are different from the defaults
# need to be included in the configuration file.
ModemResetCmds:         ATX3S130=68     # stuff to do when modem is
ModemAnswerCmd:         ATA             # use this to answer phone
ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT\Q0
ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT\Q3
ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT\Q4
ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd:   ATS0=0          # disable auto-answer
# Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
# Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
ModemSetVolumeCmd:      "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
ModemEchoOffCmd:        ATE0            # disable command echo
ModemVerboseResultsCmd: ATV1            # enable verbose command results
ModemResultCodesCmd:    ATQ0            # enable result codes
ModemOnHookCmd:         ATH0            # place phone on hook (hangup)
ModemSoftResetCmd:      ATZ             # do soft reset of modem
ModemWaitTimeCmd:       ATS7=60         # wait 60 seconds for carrier
ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2          # comma pause time is 2 seconds
ModemRecvFillOrder:     LSB2MSB         # bit order of received
ModemSendFillOrder:     LSB2MSB         # bit order modem expects for
# Configuration parameters for Class 2.0 modems.
Class2Cmd:              AT+FCLASS=2.0   # command to enter class 2.0
Class2BORCmd:           AT+FBO=0        # bit order for phase B/C/D
Class2CQCmd:            ""              # commands to enable copy
quality proc.
Class2AbortCmd:         AT+FKS          # abort session command
Class2CQQueryCmd:       AT+FCQ=?        # query for copy quality
Class2DCCQueryCmd:      AT+FCC=?        # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd:           AT+FPP=0        # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd:            AT+FCR=1        # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd:         AT+FCT=30       # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd:           AT+FBU=1        # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd:           AT+FLI          # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd:           AT+FCC          # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd:           AT+FIS          # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd:          ""              # disable pre-dial DIS command
Class2CIGCmd:           AT+FPI          # set polling identifier command
Class2NRCmd:            AT+FNR=1,1,1,1  # setup status reporting command
Class2PIECmd:           AT+FIE=0        # disable interrupt-enable
Class2PTSCmd:           AT+FPS          # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd:           AT+FSP          # set polling indicator command
Class2NFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=0        # set no flow control command
Class2SFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=1        # set software flow control
Class2HFLOCmd:          AT+FLO=2        # set hardware flow control
--------------- eoc - end of cut ---------------------

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