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[hylafax-users] ACK! RE: samba queue


I have the same problem and no sloution so far.
But I found that it is a problem with the win postscript driver.
The sambafax script is searching for a line containing the fax-number
in the postscript file, but it seems to be that all letters are on
a single line (with some postcript commands in front of them).

I tried various postscript drivers an options, but nothing helped.

Perhaps someone knows something about windows postscript drivers?


> So I've found that each time I print a file from a word document on my Win98
> client with the contents....
>        Fax-Nr : 8375699
>        This is a test fax?
> to my local postscript (apple laserwriter) printer that is mapped to
> \\fmf-fax\faxlp (defined in /etc/printcap as...
>         faxlp:\
>         :lp=/dev/null:\
>         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/fax:\
>         :if=/var/spool/fax/bin/sambafax:\
>         :sh:sf:mx#0:
> )
> I get an email stating that ...
>         Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 15:52:10 -0800
>         From: The HylaFAX Samba dancer <fax@fmf-fax.facey.net>
>         To: bin@fmf-fax.facey.net
>         Subject: your facsimile request failed
>         The faxnumber is not recognized in your fax of
>         Wed Feb 7 15:52:10 PST 2001
>         The faxnumber is recognised via this text:
>         Fax-Nr : ddd-ddddddd
>         No spaces or characters are allowed between the digits, just a -
>         Please correct and retry
> It doesn't seem to matter how much I monkey with the Fax-Nr line.  I keep
> getting the reject email no matter what variation I use on the number.
> Anyone have any thoughts?

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