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incoming faxes devided by dialed number


I just subscribed to this mailing list because of a question, the FAQ did 
not answer, nor could I find anything about this topic anywhere in the net.

We're currently about 30 employees in this company and I try to find out if 
HylaFax could be a good fax-soluton for us. Were running HylaFax, ans as 
for sending faxes, everything works fine so far. Now I want to receive 
faxes as well. This works, too, but I have to have a faxadmiin to take a 
look onto the incoming faxes and then hand them over manually to the 
correct recipient. Now I thought about the following scenario:

Every employee has his own phone-number - extension. Lets say I have 1234 
as an extension, so my phone number is 987-1234 . If I now like to have a 
fax-number for every employee we have, I'd like to configure everyone to 
have a fay-extension as well. A fax extension could be the phone extension 
with a 99 in front of it, so my personal fax extension would be 991234, 
therefore my personal fax-number would be 987-991234. If I configured the 
phone switch so that the number 987-99 would connect to to the 
hylafax-modems, I would receive faxes for anyone under his personal fax-number.
Now why would this be senseful?

If someone sends a fax to the number 987-991234, he would be connected to 
the hylafax-modem and hylafax would receive that fax. The called number 
will most of the time be transmitted in the headline of the first (and 
mostly on the following as well) page. This headline is being transmitted 
within the fax-protocol and is not part of the fax content, which is in 
graphic mode. This means, that there's no need for OCR (character 
recognition or such stuff), the called number (987-991234) is transmitted 
to hylafax as text. If now hylafax would be able to send the received fax 
to an e-mail-address, which you'd set up in some kind of alias-table 
(number->email-address), this would make it possible to have a complete 
paperless fax-solution for a great number of employees/customers without 
needing a lot of manpower for redirecting these faxes (fax-admins). The 
only case that a fax has to be manually touched is, if the headline is not 
being transmitted, which is the case quite seldom.

Now to the question:

Is this implementet into hylafax in any (maybe different) way? Has anyone 
tried to set up hylafax this way?

Is there something like a "most wanted feature"-list for further 
implementations in hylafax?`

Help will be appreciated very much!

Torsten Valentin
Sehr geehrter Herr XXX!

Vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail!


Sollten Sie noch weitere Fragen zu unseren Produkten und Diensten haben,
bitte zögern Sie nicht, sich unter einer der unten genannten Möglichkeiten
an uns zu wenden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

i.A. Torsten Valentin

HeLi  NET GmbH 				Hotline: 02385/7744333
Schildkamp 1					mailto:postmaster@helinet.de
59063 Hamm					http://www.helinet.de

Report any problems to webmaster@hylafax.org

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