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self memory 56000

(PC - Windows98)            
I had connected my Olitec self memory 56000 in FranceTelecom telephone line  and EVERYTHING worked very well.
1.Now i am in Tokyo, connected at NTTJapan telephone line.
 I CAN SEND Fax ,just as i did in France.
It doesnt recognise incoming Fax.I have to activate the ManualReception to  receive a  Fax.
What can i do to have Automatic Fax reception ?  
2.It does nt works as Repondeur .
Thank you very much.  BELAVILAS Grigoris.     
Mode autonome actif,  x Indetification d appelant.  Impulsion and tonalite, tested .   EmissionReception14000v17 .  
xControle de la reception   .Resolution:Haute et normal.   ReceptionEmission:Automatique.

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