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Re: Problems printing faxes

I don't know the answer to your problem, but it is almost certainly
one of environment. How good are you at debugging shell scripts? Put
the command:-

set > /tmp/log

at the top of your script. Recieve a fax and hopefully a complete list
of the enviroment should appear in the file /tmp/log.

move /tmp/log out of the way and then run your script again manually -
another log file should appear. Now compare the two. Look for
significant differences in variables like PATH, GSLIB and any other GS

Are you running it manually as root? Could you have a permission
problem - try running it manually as the user "fax", or any other
normal user.

You've just got to think of all the possible differences and work from


Mark Comins wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to get faxrcvd to print out faxes as they are received.  My
> script works fine if I go to the ..spool/recvq directory and execute the
> script with the faxid as $1.  I modified the faxrcvd script and added in
> my script file.  The faxes do not print when I get a fax but I am getting
> an error saying
>         Alladin Ghostscript: Can't find initialization file gs_init.ps
> I saw some mention of a GSLIB variable in the help file.  I tried putting
> GSLIB=/usr/local/share/ghostscript/5.50;export GSLIB in the script file
> and that did not work.  Below is a copy of the script:
> /usr/local/HylaFAX-v4.0/tiffbin/fax2ps $1|gs -q -sDEVICE=ljet4
> -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- -|lpr -oraw -s
> What confuses me is that I can run this command at the system prompt and
> it prints.  Within faxrcvd it will not print and gives the ghostscript
> error. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> thanks,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mark Comins
> Aperion Information Technologies, Inc.
> Oxford, MI  48371
> (248) 969-9791
> mtcomins@aperion.com
> http://www.aperion.com


* Damian Ivereigh     *      ||        ||      * Cisco Systems, Inc.  
* MIS Printer Admin   *    .||||.    .||||.    * Sydney, Australia    
* Linux Bigot         * ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. * +61 2 8448 7344      
* damian@cisco.com    *   cisco Systems, Inc.  * Fax: +61 2 8448 7228 

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