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hylafax server/modem problem
Hello list
I try set up Hylafax as a small company fax server. Sending is O.K.,
recieving won't work. If you can - please give it a try. I am trying to
proove, that OpenSource is the better choice...
I put together a HTML document with extensive information
http://www.hico.ch/hyla.html ) - the following is a shortend version.
thnx in advance
OS: SuSE Linux 5.3 (Kernel 2.0.35)
Hylafax 4.0pl2
Modem: Olitec SelfMemory 33600 (supports Class2)
After doing some setup, correcting daemon and TSI setup, I am now able to
send faxes perfectly.
Recieving works basically (...not) - the problem is that I get tons of "bad
lines" or the transmission ends long before the page end (see log 27, where
only the header was transmitted - the best recv I got so far). The
percentage of bad line is rather reproduceable, obviousely depending on the
document, not the phone line quality (which should really be perfect in all
I think (?) I had to put "ModemRate" to 19200 when using XON/XOFF. I now use
RTSCTS successfully sending with 38400 - there is no change in recv'ing. I
went back to 19200 now, because I think it works better.
I have tried to reverse the "ModemRecvFillOrder" - no change.
Set sender's bits/s down to 4800, resolution to high (7.7lines/mm) - no
I think, it might be that the modem pretends to have some capability, it
actually has not (or that is not implemented correctly). On the other hand,
I have tried two rather different communication partners - one reports "not
sent" (and hyla says "bad lines"), with the other one hyla says it recvd
only a few lines (no status from remote partner available)...
Is there is some communication problem on the serial line?
I put the required "PercentGoodLines" to 1 - I got a few blank lines (from
fax partner of log 20).
I tried to change Class2RecvDataTrigger from "" to "\022" and "\021".
***log file 20***
Jan 21 19:58:26.27: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Jan 21 19:58:26.27: [ 193]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Jan 21 19:58:26.27: [ 193]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Jan 21 19:58:26.27: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Jan 21 19:58:26.27: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 2-D MR
Jan 21 19:58:26.38: [ 193]: --> [2:OK]
Jan 21 19:58:26.38: [ 193]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Jan 21 19:58:27.94: [ 193]: --> [5:+FCFR]
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: --> [22:+FDCS: 0,3,0,2,1,0,0,3]
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 2-D MR
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: RECV: begin page
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: MODEM set XON/XOFF/FLUSH: input ignored, output
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: RECV: send trigger 021
Jan 21 19:58:32.13: [ 193]: <-- data [1]
Jan 21 19:58:48.06: [ 193]: RECV: 1257 total lines, 997 bad lines, 191
consecutive bad lines
Jan 21 19:58:48.06: [ 193]: MODEM set XON/XOFF/DRAIN: input interpreted,
output disabled
Jan 21 19:58:48.06: [ 193]: --> [17:+FPTS: 2,2219,0,0]
Jan 21 19:58:49.32: [ 193]: --> [7:+FET: 2]
Jan 21 19:58:49.32: [ 193]: RECV recv EOP (no more pages or documents)
***log file 27***
This was the only time, I recieved actually something, but it was far from
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: --> [22:+FDCS: 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0]
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: --> [2:OK]
Jan 23 21:22:32.17: [ 193]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Jan 23 21:22:33.86: [ 193]: --> [5:+FCFR]
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: --> [22:+FDCS: 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0]
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: RECV: begin page
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: RECV: send trigger 021
Jan 23 21:22:35.82: [ 193]: <-- data [1]
Jan 23 21:22:48.75: [ 193]: RECV: 31 total lines, 0 bad lines, 0
consecutive bad lines
Jan 23 21:22:48.75: [ 193]: --> [17:+FPTS: 1,2219,0,0]
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: --> [7:+FET: 2]
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: RECV recv EOP (no more pages or documents)
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: --> [2:OK]
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: RECV FAX (00000027): from COMBOX, page 1 in
0:17, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 1-D MR
Jan 23 21:22:49.31: [ 193]: RECV FAX (00000027): recvq/fax00021.tif from
COMBOX, route to , 1 pages in 0:19
Jan 23 21:22:49.33: [ 193]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Jan 23 21:22:52.09: [ 193]: --> [8:+FHNG: 0]
Jan 23 21:22:52.09: [ 193]: REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of
connection (code 0)
Jan 23 21:22:52.09: [ 193]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax00021.tif"
"modem" "00000027" ""
Jan 23 21:22:53.67: [ 193]: RECV FAX: end
Jan 23 21:22:53.67: [ 193]: SESSION END
***file "config.modem"***
# $Id: class2,v 1.23 1996/06/24 02:58:32 sam Rel $
# Generic Class 2 modem configuration.
ServerTracing: 527
SessionTracing: 527
RecvFileMode: 0644
LogFileMode: 0600
DeviceMode: 0666
RingsBeforeAnswer: 1
SpeakerVolume: low
GettyArgs: "-r -b -s %s %l"
LocalIdentifier: "HICO"
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages: 25
ModemType: Class2 # use this to supply a hint
ModemRate: 38400
ModemFlowControl: RTSCTS # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2 # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1 # setup so DCD reflects carrier (or
ModemDialCmd: ATDT%s@ # T for tone dialing, @ for silence
# Other possible configuration stuff. The default strings are
# shown below. Only those that are different from the defaults
# need to be included in the configuration file.
ModemResetCmds: "" # stuff to do when modem is reset
ModemAnswerCmd: ATA # use this to answer phone
ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&K # disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3 # hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4 # software flow control cmd
ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd: ATS0=0 # disable auto-answer
# Set modem speaker volume commands: OFF QUIET LOW MEDIUM HIGH.
# Note that we both turn the speaker on/off and set volume.
ModemSetVolumeCmd: "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
ModemEchoOffCmd: ATE0 # disable command echo
ModemVerboseResultsCmd: ATV1 # enable verbose command results
ModemResultCodesCmd: ATQ0 # enable result codes
ModemOnHookCmd: ATH0 # place phone on hook (hangup)
ModemSoftResetCmd: ATZ # do soft reset of modem
ModemWaitTimeCmd: ATS7=60 # wait 60 seconds for carrier
ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2 # comma pause time is 2 seconds
ModemRecvFillOrder: LSB2MSB # bit order of received facsimile
ModemSendFillOrder: LSB2MSB # bit order modem expects for
# Configuration parameters for Class 2 modems.
Class2Cmd: AT+FCLASS=2 # command to enter class 2
Class2BORCmd: AT+FBOR=0 # bit order for phase B/C/D (direct)
Class2RELCmd: AT+FREL=1 # byte-align EOL codes on recv
Class2CQCmd: "" # commands to enable copy quality
Class2AbortCmd: AT+FK # abort session command
Class2CQQueryCmd: AT+FCQ=? # query for copy quality
Class2DCCQueryCmd: AT+FDCC=? # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd: AT+FTBC=0 # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd: AT+FCR=1 # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd: AT+FPHCTO=30 # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd: AT+FBUG=1 # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd: AT+FLID # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd: AT+FDCC # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd: AT+FDIS # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd: "" # disable pre-dial DIS command hack
Class2CIGCmd: AT+FCIG # set polling identifier command
Class2PTSCmd: AT+FPTS # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd: AT+FSPL # set polling indicator command
# If Class2RecvDataTrigger is not set, then it is set to DC1
Class2RecvDataTrigger: "" # character sent to modem to start
Class2XmitWaitForXON: yes # if true, wait for XON before send