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Re: Rockwell internal modem

Ho Broux,

I regret, that I haven�t a solution for your problem, but I hope the
following may help you:

I guess, that your problem is related due to handshake-support. So far
so good.

On our System (SCO there exist two device entries for each
serial port (i.e. /dev/tty1a and /dev/tty1A). Only /dev/tty1A supports
*full* modem handshake support.

Have you got any similiar device/kernel topic on your system/internal

best regards

BROUX wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm using HylaFax 4.0pl2 op Linux Redhat 5.1 box.
> >
> > I have an internal modem which got detected  as a Rockwell modem during FAXADDMODEM using class 2.
> > So i'm using the standard config.device file for this modem that came with the installation.
> >
> > This works perfectly well when sending faxes but when receiving I only get the first 4 cms.
> >
> >
> > Steven Cruysberghs
> Try
> ModemFlowControl:    xonxoff
> in your config file (instead of the rtscts default).
> I've tried the following :
> ModemFlowControl:       xonxoff
> The result was exactly the same. Only the first (40 or so) lines of a received fax are actually received.
> After this I've tried to also change ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd:    "<19200><xon>" to "<19200>"
> but with no improvement.
> After every change I'va run faxquit, hfaxd stop, hfaxd start, faxq to make sure the new config file is used (don't really know if this is neccassary or not).
> I've included a part of my config file.
> What else can I try???
> Steven
> # Configuration for a Rockwell-based modem not otherwise handled by
> # another prototype configuration file.  This file assumes the modem
> # is compatible with the Rc144AC, RC96AC or RC144DP.
> #
> # This configuration file sets up the modem to run at 38.4 with
> # RTS/CTS flow control used by default.  XON/XOFF is automatically
> # enabled for fax recv.  Beware of modems that also lock sending
> # to 19.2; add ModemSendBeginCmd: "<19200>" if this is required.
> # Also beware that the adaptive-answer facility, when supported,
> # is often unreliable.
> #
> #
> # Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
> # and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
> #
> ModemType:              Class2          # use class 2 interface
> ModemRate:              38400
> #ModemFlowControl:      rtscts          # default
> ModemFlowControl:       xonxoff         # default  (I've changed this)
> #
> #ModemResetCmds:        AT&F2           # what you want for a Supra
> ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT&K            # disable flow control cmd
> ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT&K3           # hardware flow control cmd
> ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT&K4           # software flow control cmd
> ModemSetupDTRCmd:       AT&D3           # DTR off causes modem to reset
> #ModemSetupDTRCmd:      AT&D2S25=1S38=0 # Dynalink 1414VE needs this
> ModemSetupDCDCmd:       AT&C1           # DCD follows carrier
> ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FAA=1+FCLASS=0 # enable in current class
> #
> ModemSendFillOrder:     LSB2MSB         # as expected
> ModemRecvFillOrder:     MSB2LSB         # opposite of what makes sense
> #
> ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd: "<19200><xon>"  # modem switches on fax receive (this was default)
> #ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd:        "<19200>"       # modem switches on fax receive  (I've changed this)
> #
> # Caller ID configuration setup for Supra.
> #
> #QualifyCID:            etc/cid         # CID access control list file
> #CIDNumber:             "NMBR = "       # pattern string for phone number info
> #CIDName:               "NAME = "       # pattern string for identity info

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