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Re: SysV configuration patch


On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Robert Colquhoun wrote:

> The patch you posted has an implicit dependence on a patch i wrote for
> inclusion with the RedHat binary distribution. ie it is a patch on a patch
> on top of 4.0pl2

Gack. You're right. One more go-around....

> Attached is the original patch and a brief description below on how it works.
> It is currently only suitable for RedHat systems.  At this stage unless you
> are really confident do not include on other systems.

And this is a potential problem: it's difficult to sort out the
patches into "RedHat", "Caldera", "SunOS", "Solaris", etc.

> Rather than a new parameter SYSVINIT_DIR or whatever, i was going to
> replace SYSVINIT to represent the location of the file or "" if the system
> used a BSD startup.  There would also be an additional prompt during
> configure prompting the correct location for the sysv init script.  The

Yup. I've added this. However, even a BSD machine should have the
option of putting it in the config.local files (which I've done). And
I've used a tweak to set SunOS up with the init script in $DIR_SBIN:
the script is too useful to faxsetup and to administrators modifying
configurations or installations to let its installation be broken by
hunting for the full SysV init tree.

> sysv init script would then be installed at the make install stage with all
> the other applications, unless obviously it was a BSD machine.
> I was still going to make the user manually install the symlinks from the
> run-level directorys, as it is very system dependent.

Hmm. I think this is a bad idea: the possibility of errors is too high.
So I've added defaults for SysV, and RedHat Linux, that look right.

> I have *not* done this yet.  That is why until now i had not generally
> released this.

Oh. Sorry about this: I had added your patch to my set of default
patches for Linux/SunOS, and included for patch writing without
realizing that it would screw up the new patch.

			Nico Kadel-Garcia
			Senior Engineer, CIRL 
			Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary

Version: 2.6.2


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