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Re: Modem does not support doc. Page Width

Alan Sparks's solution for this worked for me.  Search the list
archives for exact details on it.  It's a small change to the ps2fax
call to ghostscript (-dFIXEDMEDIA), but I believe that it requires at
least gs 4.


On 26 Oct, Francesc Guasch wrote:
> Francesc Guasch wrote:
>> I just isntalled flexfax in a recent version of linux slackware
>> and I couldn't send faxes from winflex, I got the following error:
>> Modem does not support document Page Width
>> I've read the faq and found somewhere that I should use
>> an older version of ghostscript.
>> I had flexfax running in another older linux so I used that older
>> slakware CDs for installing that ghostscript, but it kept telling
>> me that error. What can I do ?
>> The modem is a cheap internal modem with jumpers , It works
>> great connecting to internet and send faxes from the command line.
>> The flexfax version is the latest p2 I found in the binary ftp
>> from sgi. It's linux-2.0.35. the clients are windows 98 , I tried
>> the apple laserwriter and the QMS printers.
>> I searched the docs from gs looking for a way to tell it not to
>> put the PageWidth.
>> I also tried to substitute gs for a perl program that filters
>> the PageWidth line and pipes the output to the real gs but
>> it doesn't work.
>> What can I do ?
> I've been following your advises and I tried an older version
> of ghostscript. Neither 3.33 nor 2.6.2 worked. It keeps 
> telling me : Modem does not support document Page Width.

Aidan Van Dyk

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