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Re: Wierd Flowcontrol problem during fax recv
On Thu, 3 Sep 1998, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> > I have the flow in the config set to :-
> >
> > ModemFlowControl: rtscts
> >
> > Yet.. in fax receive.. it still turns on XON/XOFF flowcontrol.. and turns
> > off CRTSCTS in the stty modems for the terminal!
> Umm: it would help to say the brand of modem, your version of HylaFAX,
> your computer type, etc.
> For example, a number of modem configuration files over-write certain
> default Class 1 or Class 2 values for default behavior, for various
> reasons. It's very difficult to diagnose or give good hints without
> the configuration information.
> At least some modems also only cope with xon/xoff for FAX use, for example
> the PPI 14400 FXMT, with the following field set.
> ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd: "<19200><xon>" # modem switches on fax receive
Yes.. I actually worked this out at the last minute... that was the
command turning the XON/XOFF on.. (but also turning RTS/CTS off)..
The modem was a NetComm Roadster II 56KFlex (Which is basicaly the
Rockwell AC/K56/F02
It seems to have this "flow control" problem fixed other than the older
Rockwell chipsets.. so the "....<xon>..." is not necassary.. and I
replaced it with Class2RecvDataTrigger: "\022"
Hylafax version 4.0
Linux RH4.2 kernel 2.0.33
Anthony Rumble
Interactive Infotainment Systems P/L ACN: 076 046 252
Phone 02-9798-7604 Mobile 0412-955-042 Fax 02 9798 2854 Pager 016-634-997