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Re: problem sending faxes to pxb

To have the modem emit this tone, you need to have autoanswer off, 
something like AT+FAA=0 works in many modems. To have this be part of 
the hylafax initialization, you need to add a statement similar 
(please check the manual pages for setup for the exact spelling) to

AdaptiveAnswer: AT+FAA=0 #turns adaptive answer off

To your config.xxx file (xxx represents the device name where the 
modem is) in the /var/spool/fax/etc directory.

Do this and it will work in many home pbxs. There are still some, 
that for reasons unknown to me confuse the modem into getting a busy 
tone and it just hangs up when they answer. Does anybody have any 
solutions for this?

Good luck

> From:          Matthias.Apitz@SOFTCON.de
> Subject:       Re: flexfax: problem sending faxes to pxb
> To:            feri@graphisoft.hu (Ferenc Cserei)
> Date:          Sat, 1 Nov 1997 10:14:31 +0100 (MEZ)
> Cc:            flexfax@sgi.com
> Reply-to:      Matthias.Apitz@SOFTCON.de (Matthias Apitz)

> Ferenc Cserei wrote:
>     We encuntered a problem when our properly running hylafax tries to send
>     faxses to places where small (home) pbx installed. 
>     It seems the pbx expects some kind of signalling from the sender to decide
>     wether it's a voice, data or fax call. Hylafax is quiet and the receiver
>     hangs the line, resulting no answer from remote.
>     Is there a way to configure hylafax to send this signal (a kind of repeating
>     beep) after the receiver picks up the phone.
> This tone is called the CNG (1100 Hz, remains on for 1/2 s and goes
> off for 3 s). It's not issued by HylaFAX itself. faxsend(1M) only dials
> the number and your (fax-) modem should emitt this tone. Check
> your modem manual how to configure your modem to emitt this tone
> and place the AT-command into the modem config-file (e.g. into
> ModemResetCmds:)
> 	matthias

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