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Re: Could not reopen converted document to verify format error

At 23:26 Uhr +0200 03.08.1997, Jim Hribnak wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, Ingo Ciechowski wrote:
> I'd like to use different tag lines for each of my outgoing faxes and
> therefore tried both, the TagLine flag in the ~/.hylarc file and as shown
> below the -F flag of sendfax.
>     sendfax -F "TEST" -n -d 067329411333 test.ps
> Unfortunately this always results in the folowing error message (idependent
> of the user from which I try to send my fax):
>     503 Permission denied: no write access to job parameter USETAGLINE.
> Is there anything I could do about that problem?

> Check to see where your ps2??? files are and try executing them is ps2tiff
> and see what happens.. I had this problem where it was looking for the
> cache in the wrong directory.. I put a symbolic link in the directory it
> was looking for the cache setup files and all works like a charm after
> that

didn't get any error here but moved the directory to a place with more space
than /var/spool  -- unfortunately with no result :-((

of course the

     sendfax -n -d 067329411333 test.ps

command works fine all the time so that I think the problem must be
specific to the -F option.
Could there be some sort restriction to this option that first has to be



CCCC I SSSS Ingo Ciechowski            | phone   : +49.6732.9411-26
C    I S    Ober-Saulheimer Strasse 18 | fax     : +49.6732.9411-333
C    I  SSS D-55286  Woerrstadt        | business: CIS-Computer GmbH
CCCC I Gmbh Germany                    |   mailto:ingo@cis-computer.com
 PGP-Key @ http://www.cis-computer.com/mitarbeiter/ciechowski/pgp.asc

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