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Re: Help with USR Sportster 33.6 modem, RedHat Linux 4.1

> 	  Please check your permissions on file /dev/cuax where x is the
>   number of COM to which your modem is connected (should be rw-rw-rw)
>   You may also test your modem using 'cu' command fe. "cu -l /dev/cuax"
> The permissions of the modem lines should typically be ownership uucp,
> group uucp, -rw-------, or mode 0600. Only individuals or programs
> with uucp or root permissions should be able to access it to prevent
> interference from non-privileged programs or other users.

Unfortunately, minicom installs (at least from RPM minicom-1.75-2) as
sgid uucp:
-rwxr-sr-x   1 root     uucp       119404 Aug 12  1996 /usr/bin/minicom

So I set me permissions for my modem line to 0660:
crw-rw----   1 uucp     uucp       5,  65 Mar 26 16:06 /dev/cua1

Matthew Rice                             e-mail: matthew.rice@ftlsol.com

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