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Re: [hylafax-users] Hardcopy print with status report for all (sent) faxes

You'd have to fashion a script (or pay someone to fashion such a script) to do that, but it's possible. Both received and sent faxes are retained until faxcron is run (then faxes older than 30 days are removed).

I don't mind paying for it, the cost is not really the issue, it is the feature list and useability that is important. As long as the code is GPL'ed so others can use it too that would be ok.

What would happen if the time limit of 30 days would be stretched to 30 years? ;) Would it kill or choke the server / client or wouldn't that have a big impact?

I couldn't find this in the FAQ either.

Then another question, in our old fax app it is possible to browse and open (from a windows proggie on all the clients) all the faxes received / sent (harddrive space is not a cost factor so I still have even the faxes from 1995). Is such an interface also possible with HylaFax? Or just through e-mail storage?

I have a page on my wiki that describes how I'm archiving faxes (as pdfs) on a samba share. We also print each fax on arrival.


Thanks! I'll have a look, it looks like it comes pretty close to what I need, just the preview is missing.


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