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Re: [hylafax-users] Modems in two different countries, one server.

* Geoffrey S. Mendelson <gsm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [060111 09:19]:

> I'm looking for a way for a single hylafax server to route the calls
> to the correct modem with the correct dial rules so that someone who sends
> a fax only needs to know the phone number they are sending it to and no
> infrastructure details.

> I guess what I would like is the option for a seperate dial rules for
> each modem pool, with the modem pool any, being reprocessed for the modem
> pool assigned.


Do do something like this, you will need to use destctrls.  With
destctrls, you can control the "ModemGroup" that is available for a job.
Note that there are some unique constraints on manipulating the
ModemGroup for a job with destctrls (the the inclusive set, and if it's
empty, the users original request), so read the man page carefully, and
plan your ModemGroups carefully.

Having separate dialrules for each device is simple to accomplish.

How has your experience with using internet-based VoIP for faxing been?
I wouldn't expect very good results with such a setup... 

Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 438-4638 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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