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Re: [hylafax-users] confidential faxes

Max Mothwurf wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2005 13:32 schrieb Joe:

No.   The NetSatisfaxtion client is what I referred to as the
"server screen" meaning "fax server screen" meaning a window to
the fax server.  Probably bad choice of words.
Ah, then what you're really looking for is a HylaFAX client of the type
that the NetSatisfaction client is.  I don't know of any such, but it
should be relatively easy to program if you have an in-house programmer.
Not necessarily.  I'm just looking for a way to have hylafax provide
confidential faxes.  I don't care how (client or server) it gets done,
just that it gets done.  It's a requirement for HIPPA supposedly.

Hippa? Some kind of SOX?

HIPPA=Health Insurance Portability and Accountability. Basically employers in the United States are forced to make sure that private employment/health records are kept private.

Why dont you use routing basing on number...makes sure the fax get to the person to whom it belongs (sorry if that was already mentioned - dont have the whole thread in mind)

This may be somewhat of a solution and I have already thought of it but it relies on being set up before a fax arrives. It also depends on the sender phone number remaining the same.

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