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Re: [hylafax-users] [OT] Metadata into tiff

Michele Petrazzo wrote:
Joe wrote:
Michele Petrazzo wrote:

Excuse me for the OT, but with an external program, I want to read
the metadata that hylafax set into the the tiff file when it
receive a fax (fax00000001.tif), for example the DataTime or
others. The problem that I cannot find where, into the source
files, the code set this data, so someone can say me where to start
to search?

Thanks a lot, Michele

You can read it with faxinfo and parse the results with awk.

This isn't the right solution for me because I want to use an external library (freeimage, that use libtiff for read the tiff files) for find that metadata, but with that, in my tries, I cannot read that metadata, so I'm looking for other information.


If you want to write your own code the tags are not very hard to
get at.  Adobe has the tiff specs and examples how to read them
on their web site but I don't have a link to it.

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