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Re: [hylafax-users] No response to PPS..

The original tests were through a PBX. The final install is through a fax
line from the telco. I know what the problem is with the fax machine I've
been testing. I forgot that the server and the fax share the same line. Doh!

At any rate, more recent tests to a fax machine on a different line is
giving me another issue. A two pager goes as asked and appears as
sucessfully sent, yet the receiving fax machine only a the vey top portion
of the fax showing, but cut off along the bottom of the station ID.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Howard [mailto:faxguy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:23 PM
To: James McCall
Cc: hylafax-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] No response to PPS..

Is there an error message on the receiver?

It could be a lot of things.  What kind of phone equipment are you using?  A
normal analog line coming from the telco?  Or do you go through a PBX?


James McCall wrote:

>OK. I moved the box to our server area. The test is to the same fax 
>machine and the only thing different is location and phone line. Could 
>this be a problem with the phone line?

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