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Last time we sent a lot of jobs we got 12 batched calls to 10 different numbers. 2 of these receivers had problems (both of them brother)
8 of them went fine (ricoh, xerow, unknown)
The 2 problematic receivers were the only ones to have 3 jobs for them (the other batched receivers had 2 each), don't know if this is relevant (I think it isn't, and cannot easily make test calls to them) and the sequence of events for both of them was: 1st call: 1st job, eom, ok, 2nd job, eom, fail 2nd call: 2nd job, eom, ok, 3rd job, eop, fail 3rd call: 3rd job eop, ok
The actual problem is that the info/<faxno> file still reported supportsBatching:yes for these 2 numbers (is this expected?). I now changed it to &supportsBatching:no. I read on bugzilla that if a problems occurs in the batched job then the number will be marked as bad for batching.
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