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Re: [hylafax-users] Troubles with Multitech ISI5634PCI-8 SOLVED?

On 2003.10.28 07:17 Andrea Nicolini wrote:
Hi all,

After a lot of pain I finally managed to improve the situation with
ISI5634PCI-8 board.
I obtained this improvement disabling ECM and 2-d MMR compression on
Now I'm using a lucent-mt-20 prototype modified as follow:

Then you also "disabled" V.34 (SuperG3).

1) Added "ModemFlowControl:       rtscts" to enable hardware flow
2) Modified "ModemAnswerCmd:         AT+FCC=,,,,1,0,,,0;A" to disable
ECM and 2d-MMR compression.

Before this changes the error rate were near 10% now
"recvstats -age 1 -format" returns something like this:

Sender          CIDName   Pages     Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData
1-D MR                     119   1:10:41    1.7    3    9600  1-D MR
2-D MMR                      0      7:10    0.0    8    2400  2-D MMR
2-D MR                     930   6:51:21    2.3    9   14400  2-D MR
Total                     1049   8:09:12    2.1   20

Is there anybody that can tell me if this error rate is normal?

I think that a 2% error-rate is still too high. But these results are not valid for post-changes analysis since 2D MMR shows up. What version of HylaFAX are you using, by the way?

I have a production system receiving with an ISI5634PCI-8 in Class 1 (with HylaFAX CVS). Here's revstats:

[root@hylafax /root]# recvstats -format
Sender          Pages     Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData
1-D MH            415  6:10:33    1.1    2    9600  1-D MH
2-D MMR          4983 36:33:38    2.3   22   14400 2-D MMR
2-D MR            527  5:33:06    1.6    6   14400  2-D MR
Total            5925 48:17:17    2.0   30
[root@hylafax /root]#

That's less than a 1% error-rate. By way of comparison, here's the same statistics from a system using a Comtrol RocketModem in Class 1 (also with HylaFAX CVS):

[root@hylafax2 /root]# recvstats -format
Sender          Pages     Time Pg/min Errs TypRate TypData
1-D MH             13     7:30    1.7    0    9600  1-D MH
2-D MMR          2282 16:48:30    2.3    6   14400 2-D MMR
2-D MR             41    30:02    1.4    1   14400  2-D MR
Total            2336 17:26:02    2.2    7
[root@hylafax2 /root]#

That error-rate is almost half of the one above, but at this level one messed-up sender can throw off the statistics greatly, and so I'd have to investigate each error to see if these values are actually representative of a norm. So in my mind anything uninvestigated with a 1% or less error rate is pretty-much the same.


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