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[hylafax-users] HylaFAX and Intel fax boards (DMF300PCIU or CPi/3000CT-E1)


Has anyone experience using HylaFAX with an Intel Dialogic DMF300PCIU or an
Intel Dialogic CPi/3000CT-E1 fax board? Both are 30 channel dedicated fax

I know that the Eicon Diva Server PRI-30M has even more functionality but is
more costly as a consequence and has been used already (found that in the
FAQs) with HylaFAX.

In our firm we have experience using Intel Dialogic boards (those that can
handle voice as well) but no experience (yet) with HylaFAX and the Dialogic
fax boards.


Christophe Ravelingien
Technology Engineer
Telenet Operaties N.V.


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