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[hylafax-users] Problem view multipage

I do not obtain to see all the pages of the archive tif. The act of
receiving is executed successfully, to only put obtains to see a page. Data
of the act of receiving of a fax:
Feb 19 10:35:10.31: [ 1402]: SESSION BEGIN 00000659 551155757978
Feb 19 10:35:10.31: [ 1402]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1.3
Feb 19 10:35:10.31: [ 1402]: <-- [4:ATAr]
Feb 19 10:35:19.86: [ 1402]: --> [5:+FCON]
Feb 19 10:35:19.86: [ 1402]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION  DEVICE '/dev/modem'
Feb 19 10:35:19.86: [ 1402]: RECV FAX: begin
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: --> [28:+FTSI:"             5745311"]
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE TSI "5745311"
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: --> [21:+FDCS:0,5,0,2,0,0,0,3]
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 14400 bit/s
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 19 10:35:25.17: [ 1402]: <-- [7:AT+FDRr]
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: --> [5:+FCFR]
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: --> [28:+FTSI:"             5745311"]
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE TSI "5745311"
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: --> [21:+FDCS:0,5,0,2,0,0,0,3]
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 14400 bit/s
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Feb 19 10:35:26.55: [ 1402]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Feb 19 10:35:27.11: [ 1402]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Feb 19 10:35:27.11: [ 1402]: RECV: begin page
Feb 19 10:35:27.11: [ 1402]: RECV: send trigger 022
Feb 19 10:35:27.11: [ 1402]: <-- data [1]
Feb 19 10:35:45.62: [ 1402]: RECV: 32736 bytes of data, 369 total lines
Feb 19 10:36:00.07: [ 1402]: RECV: 25353 bytes of data, 1129 total lines
Feb 19 10:36:00.07: [ 1402]: --> [18:+FPTS:1,1129,0,0,0]
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: --> [6:+FET:0]
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: RECV recv MPS (more pages, same document)
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: RECV FAX (00000659): from 5745311, page 1 in
0:36, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 1-D MR, 14400 bit/s
Feb 19 10:36:01.39: [ 1402]: <-- [7:AT+FDRr]
Feb 19 10:36:0Feb 19 10:36:03.42: [ 1402]: RECV: begin page
Feb 19 10:36:03.42: [ 1402]: RECV: send trigger 022
Feb 19 10:36:03.42: [ 1402]: <-- data [1]
Feb 19 10:36:21.76: [ 1402]: RECV: 32703 bytes of data, 260 total lines
Feb 19 10:36:39.99: [ 1402]: RECV: 32747 bytes of data, 484 total lines
Feb 19 10:36:58.10: [ 1402]: RECV: 32701 bytes of data, 706 total lines
Feb 19 10:37:01.25: [ 1402]: RECV: 5742 bytes of data, 761 total lines
Feb 19 10:37:01.25: [ 1402]: --> [17:+FPTS:1,761,0,0,0]
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: --> [6:+FET:2]
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: RECV recv EOP (no more pages or documents)
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: RECV FAX (00000659): from 5745311, page 2 in
1:01, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 1-D MR, 14400 bit/s
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: RECV FAX (00000659): recvq/fax00260.tif from
5745311, route to <unspecified>, 2 pages in 1:43
Feb 19 10:37:02.50: [ 1402]: <-- [7:AT+FDRr]
Feb 19 10:37:05.27: [ 1402]: --> [7:+FHNG:0]
Feb 19 10:37:05.27: [ 1402]: REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of
connection (code 0)
Feb 19 10:37:05.27: [ 1402]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax00260.tif"
"modem" "00000659" "" "" ""
Feb 19 10:37:06.35: [ 1402]: RECV FAX: end
Feb 19 10:37:06.35: [ 1402]: SESSION END
3.42: [ 1402]: --> [7:CONNECT]



Luis Henrique de Faria Guimarães

This mail was sent by Results - Webmail 2.5

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