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Re: [hylafax-users] Update on Problem with Distinctive Ring-- hacked faxgetty

Quoting Sunil William Savkar <savkar@inthespace.com>:

> I recompiled with a hard coding of the extended ring to be "RING;"
> (i.e.
> instead of changing all the code to add an option I simply changed the
> string compare).
> However, that didn't change anything, even with the fix to the "if"
> clause (i.e. calling parseCID within the clause itself).
> This just doesn't make sense and I must be doing SOMETHING wrong now. 
> I restarted faxgetty but still the same behavior... Let me do some more
> testing (probably something completely stupid) and I will give you more
> feedback.

Hmmm... how do you restart faxgetty after a recompilation? Do you 'make
install' than restart faxgetty? Do you copy the executable manually? Do you
run it directly from the source tree? ModemClass is part of libfaxserver.so
(you're on linux, right?) so if you do not 'make install', you must make
sure faxgetty will link with the new libfaxserver.so library... Can you
make sure you don't have more than one of this library installed
(/usr/local/lib and /usr/lib?)... Does libfaxserver.so points to the
current libfaxserver.so.4.?.? version? 

That's all I can see for now...

Patrice Fournier

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