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Re: [hylafax-users] Routing faxes to other fax servers based on phone number

On 2002.03.21 02:43 Sedat Yilmazer wrote:
>  Good point. That also brings up the question of faxmaster. In hylafax
> there is no such acount that can kill/alter other jobs. I think there is
> such a need ( I mean an account to control other jobs)

There is such an account.  You create HylaFAX admin users with faxadduser, 
but it will still prompt for a password.  You can do `su -c "faxalter -h 
some.other.host jobid" job_owner`, but I don't think that's an adequate 
solution in the long run because eventually I can foresee HylaFAX 
developing to a point where job_owner is not a valid account on the system 
(and thus we cannot "su" to it).  For now, though, the su approach would 

>  So after some looking around I thing the way is to submit a new job at
> the dest. Host ( via a sendfax ....-f my_local_user -h ttyS1@remotehost
> ....) and remove the queue file from sendq. Maybe alitle bit dirty but
> may work)

I think that a new DestControls option would be the most clean approach 
(actually changing the code).  The only trick, though, is that such a 
change makes HylaFAX server be a HylaFAX client, too.  And, mixing the 
code from server and client may not be pretty.

>  We can get the my_local_user, number to dial ...etc from the queue
> file. Dest host should accept all job submitions from myhost (so that we
> do not need password).
>  There is still the question of how the user will see/remove/control his
> job after it is transfered to the remote host.

Which is why it won't work this way (the job owner would change upon 
resubmission).  The job will also get a new ID number when it is on a 
different server.  I think that the best thing would be to notify the 
owner, based on their notification options, that the job has been requeued 
on a different system.  This so that the user can alter their client to 
refer to the remote system and the new jobid.


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