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CountryCode: 55
AreaCode: 11
FAXNumber: 5509-0377
LongDistancePrefix: 1
InternationalPrefix: 21
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing: 1
SessionTracing: 11
RecvFileMode: 0600
LogFileMode: 0600
DeviceMode: 0600
RingsBeforeAnswer: 1
SpeakerVolume: high
GettyArgs: "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier: "NothingSetup"
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
PercentGoodLines: 5
MaxConsecutiveBadLines: 10
MaxRecvPages: 100
FaxRcvdCmd: /var/spool/hylafax/bin/faxrcvd02
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType: Class1 # use class 1 interface
ModemRate: 19200
ModemFlowControl: rtscts # hardware flow control
ModemSetupDTRCmd: ATS13=1&D2 # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1 # setup so DCD reflects carrier (or not)
ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&H0&I0&R1 # setup modem for no flow control
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&H1&I0&R2 # setup modem for hardware flow control
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&H2&I2&R1 # setup modem for software flow control
ModemResultCodesCmd: ATQ0X4&N2&U8 # enable result codes
ModemMfrQueryCmd: !USR
ModemModelQueryCmd: ATI3
ModemRevQueryCmd: ATI7 # XXX, returns a multi-line result
# When AT+FCLASS=1 is issued the modem automatically switches
# to software flow control; these parameters let the fax software
# reset flow control as needed after entering Class 1.
Class1NFLOCmd: AT&H0&I0&R1 # setup modem for no flow control
Class1HFLOCmd: AT&H1&I0&R2 # setup modem for hardware flow control
Class1SFLOCmd: "" # modem does this automatically
# The remainder of this configuration is included so that the
# modem "idles" in Class 0 while not sending or receiving facsimile.
ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FCLASS=0&H1&I0&R2 # leave modem in class 0
ModemAnswerCmd: AT+FCLASS=1&H1&I0&R2A # force RTS/CTS after change
# Disables the reporting of bad frames by the modem. This
# overcomes a firmware problem in the x2 and V90 Sportsters.
# It is not necessary for the Courier modem.
Class2NRCmd: AT+FNR=1,1,1,0
Anyone can help me ?
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