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Re: [hylafax-users] Multiple modem setup.

I am finally getting around to setting this up.

I am running the bulk fax on modem0 and the normal fax on modem1. I have the
priority set to 1 on modem0 and 255 on modem1. When a user submits a job
from whfc it gets assigned to modem any. I think this can be handled by me
changed ModemGroupS1 to ``any.cuaa'' 1 for modem1. Is this correct?

I am submitting the bulk fax list in one command from CLI. If there a few
jobs in the queue that are going out on modem0, the jobs that need to go out
on modem1 have to wait until their queue number comes up. How can I change

Sid Lambert
JSI Sign Systems Div

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Howard" <faxguy@deanox.com>
To: "Sid Lambert" <sid@jsisign.com>
Cc: <hylafax-users@hylafax.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] Multiple modem setup.

> On 2002.03.05 08:37 Sid Lambert wrote:
> > This option seems to set one modem so that it won't be dialed out on, if
> > this is correct it only helps me with half of my problem. It may be a
> > good
> > start but I need to be able to send out on both modems. I need for the
> > mass
> > fax list to use a modem by itself and the other modem work as a standard
> > outgoing and incoming fax.
> >
> > It may be that I need to use 2 different programs for this. Just have
> > Hylfax
> > use one modem like it is now and then have mgetty+sendfax use the second
> > modem for the mass fax list. I would like to stay with just Hylafax
> > though.
> Ugh... you'll have a difficult time getting HylaFAX and mgetty+sendfax to
> play together although it can be done.
> You're making this tougher than it needs to be.
> The easiest way to do this is to set the bulk-faxing modem with a
> lower-priority ModemPriority and RingsBeforeAnswer=0.  Then when you
> submit your bulk faxes you must specify the modem being used like this:
> sendfax -n -h ttyS0@localhost -d some_number my_file.ps
> That way all normal faxes will go out from the other modem unless it is
> busy - when the bulk-faxing modem may get used instead for normal outgoing
> faxes.  And, the bulk-faxing modem will not answer any RINGs.
> If you want to prohibit normal faxes from going out on your bulk-fax modem
> then you need to redefine ModemGroup "any" to not include it.
> Lee.

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