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Hylafax or whatever actual bit sends the fax, is dialing the
remote machine and thinks it has sent the fax. The postscript
document is in the docq dir.
I receive an email saying that my job has been sent successfully,
the problem here is that it says it has sent 0 pages...
So, I reckon that either the conversion from postscript to fax
has failed... or, well actually that's the only thing I can think
I can't currently figure out who is in charge of calling the fax
conversion programs or if there is any log created if they fail etc.
I presume that ps2fax is being called. I have run this by hand
on the same 1 page fax file that I am sending and it does produce
a reasonable looking ps.fax file... but I haven't been
able to find
any evidence that this is working when I try to run it by sending
a fax from whfc. I have just examined the log dir and looked
at the log for my files... it says that it has sent 1712 bytes which
is smaller than the tiff that was created when I ran this through
ps2fax by hand. Are the fax pages cached anywhere after conversion
from PS? so I can make sure they are ok? can I watch the
somewhere as it tries to convert?
Thanks, sorry for all the qestions, but I am reading the faq, docs
and anything else I can find.
Tom Hutchison wrote:
Be sure to edit your /etc/inittab file to respawn faxgetty. See the installation documentation for correct syntax. AND then reinitialize init with "telinit -q ".Tom
Bill Dossett wrote:
Hi,I'm very slowly trying to get to grips with hylafax.
I am running hylafax binary RedHat distributionhylafax-4.1beta2-2rh7
I am using WHFC to for a windows client to
send and receive faxes. I am using RedHat 7
on the server. I have been able to recievce a fax
ok. I have faxgetty running. I have just tried
to send a fax and the WHFC software saysModem ttyS0 waiting for modem to come free
My log files on the server say:
Feb 26 11:54:04 tarantula HylaFAX[19771]: Filesystem has SysV-style file
creation semantics.
Feb 26 11:54:05 tarantula FaxQueuer[19556]: SUBMIT JOB 1
Feb 26 11:54:08 tarantula FaxGetty[938]: ANSWER: Can not lock modem
Feb 26 11:54:11 tarantula FaxSend[19773]: MODEM USROBOTICS COURIER HST
DUAL STANDARD V.34+ FAX Product type UK Exter
nal MSK Options HST,V32bis,Terbo,V.FC,V34+ Fax
Options Class 1/Class 2.0 Clock Freq 20.1
6Mhz Eprom 256k Ram 32k/Supervisor
date 11/14/95 DSP date 07/05/95 Su
pervisor rev 044-6.2.2 DSP rev 1.2.2
Feb 26 11:54:11 tarantula FaxSend[19773]: SEND FAX: JOB 1 DEST 0207 482
1447 COMMID 00000003
Feb 26 11:54:34 tarantula FaxQueuer[19556]: NOTIFY: bin/notify
"doneq/q1" "done" "0:29"
Feb 26 11:54:42 tarantula FaxGetty[938]: MODEM USROBOTICS COURIER HST
DUAL STANDARD V.34+ FAX Product type UK Extern
al MSK Options HST,V32bis,Terbo,V.FC,V34+ Fax
Options Class 1/Class 2.0 Clock Freq 20.16
Mhz Eprom 256k Ram 32k/Supervisor
date 11/14/95 DSP date 07/05/95 Sup
ervisor rev 044-6.2.2 DSP rev 1.2.2due to my newbieness, I am usure of how all the programs
interact with each other.... does faxgetty take care of
the final sending of the fax? and the can't lock modem
means it can't send the fax... of is this just an announcement
by faxgetty that something else now has the modem...
presumabley the fax sending program if it isn't faxgetty.
I have checked several times and the fax was not sent,
however I can't seem to find it anywhere else ... in the
sendq or doneq....I can receive faxes fine... I'm a bit stuck on what to do
next here... any info on what to look for would be appreciated...
also is there a non-german version of WHFC? I've downloaded
what said it was the english setup version, but the menus
and stuff are still in german... also is WHFC the best thing
to use? I need to support WinNT, W2K and Win9X
Bill Dossett
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