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Re: [hylafax-users] DestControls file
At 07:52 PM 12/4/00 +0100, Bartosz Aninowski wrote:
>I added line in ect/config
>DestControls: etc/dest
>and in etc/dest (-rw-r--r-- 1 uucp uucp dest)
>.* TimeOfDay = "Wk2001" // for trying diffrent option
>^911$ RejectNotice = "Calls to emergency numbers are not permitted" //fot
>test only
>but nothing happend
>The hylafax avoids the file!
>right and writes and owner of files is ok? (I think)
>what should I do more?
I just tried this myself, exactly as you have given, except that I used
root.root and/or uucp.wheel as the etc/dest file ownership, and immediately
I notice (in faxstat) that the faxes are being postponed because of the
TimeOfDay setting.
71 127 D root 911 0:0 0:12 Delayed by time-of-day re
So apparently the DestControls file *is* being read. So, I remove the
TimeOfDay line and notice that you are correct that '^911$' is not being
matched properly. So I remove the '^' and the '$' and then all works just
75 127 D root 911 0:0 0:12 REJECT: Calls to emergenc
In testing, I notice that '^911' and '911$' work, but not '^911$'.
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