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Re: [hylafax-users] Sending a fax to a "unified messaging" system

On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 10:26:50AM -0700, Lee Howard wrote:
> At 04:50 PM 11/27/00 +0100, Rolf Obrecht wrote:
> >if I send a fax to a system which first answers by voice and tells me
> >that "after the beep" I could send either a voice message or a fax, then
> >hylafax
> >does not succeed but cacncels transmission with error "No carrier
> >detected".
> >Is there a way to tweak hylafax config in order to successfully transmit
> >faxes to such fax numbers (e.g. all users at web.de)?
> ISTR something about having an '@' (or not having it) at the end of the
> dial string.  You may want to check into that.  I can fax fine to these
> types of voice/fax answering systems, as long as the message isn't too
> terribly long.  My ModemDialString is "ATDT%s".

It is indeed.  The hitch is, only certain modems (including some
*older* MultiTech's, but *not* the new ones) can deal with that.

I'm not sure you could make the necessary modifications with DestCtrls --
which is where you'd need to do it to make it destination specific --
even if your modem *does* know how to do it.

I should note at this point, though, that most such reception systems
won't even bother to give the voice prompt if they hear a CNG or
calling tone from the fax sending end, which most current fax machines,
and I'm very strongly tempted to say *all* fax modems, generate.

You might try sending a few faxes to such destinations with your
speaker on, and make sure that those tones are going out.  If so, and
if the receiver is ignoring them in favor of a voice message, then the
problem is at their end; you may just have to add some commas for pause
time to the end of the destination phone number -- this will entail
modifying Dialrules.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida     http://baylink.pitas.com                +1 727 804 5015

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